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A message from the Royal Voluntary Service

We are writing to you because you have previously referred people to the NHS Volunteer Responders (NHSVR) programme, to tell you about changes to the support available from our volunteers.

Health Psychology

The DCHS health psychology service provides specialist psychological care and support to adults with physical health problems.


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A4 - Patient next appointment information slip (S107)

Patient next appointment information slip

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SAMA Template 10 Tips in holding sensitive conversation

Template 10 Tips for Holding a Sensitive Conversation

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SAMA Template 25 Final review meeting part 2 invite

Template 25a Final Review Meeting Part 2 invite

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SOP for IV Administration of Diuretics to Heart Failure Patients in DCHS North Community Hospitals and CRH Same Day ECU (S89)

The Aim of this SOP is to provide heart failure patients across Derbyshire access to IV drug treatments without the need for attendance at an acute hospital

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Information and Fire Prevention Guidance in relation to Dynamic Air Flow Pressure Relieving Mattresses in Community (G96)

Dynamic Air Flow Pressure Relieving Mattresses are provided to people who spend extended periods of time in bed or are bedbound due to illness and impaired mobility. This means that if a fire starts or smoke detection activates, the individual using the bed is unlikely to be able to respond/escape without assistance. When the mattresses are provided in a home setting, living alone or being alone in the property is therefore a risk factor for consideration.

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Temperature Monitoring of Medicines Storage Rooms SOP (S74)

Aim of SOP; to reduce risk to patient safety by monitoring exposure of medicines to high temperatures. DCHS accepts that the storage of medicines may exceed 25°C in exceptionally hot weather. However, all staff must follow the actions outlined in this SOP to reduce this risk.

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Vaccination programme (flexible staffing and bank) - Employee Online user guide.pdf

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Children’s Services Immunisation Policy 0-19 Years (P2)

The current immunisation schedule has been designed to provide early protection against infections that are most dangerous for the very young. This is particularly important for diseases such as whooping cough, pneumococcal, Hib and meningococcal serogroup C infection. Providing subsequent immunisations and booster doses ensures continued protection against these diseases. Additional vaccinations are offered at specific points throughout the child, young person, and adult’s life to provide protection against infections before they reach an age at which they become at increased risk from certain vaccine-preventable diseases. Recommendations for the age at which vaccines should be administered are therefore informed by the age-specific risk for a disease, the risk of disease complications and the ability to respond to the vaccine. The recommended immunisation schedule should therefore be followed as closely as possible. Health Care professionals employed by Derbyshire Community Services Foundation Trust (DCHSFT) have a responsibility to promote the benefits of immunisation in a consistent, clear and evidence based way to parents, carers, and young people. The overarching aim of the policy is to therefore support practitioners to fulfil the requirements of their commissioned role in delivering the national universal childhood immunisation programme, alongside any targeted immunisation schedules safely and competently.

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APPENDIX 13 - Outcome of disciplinary investigation – Minor Misconduct – Informal Resolution.docx

HRP24 Appendix 13 - Outcome of disciplinary investigation – Minor Misconduct – Informal Resolution/ proceedings

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A3 – Criteria for Suitability for care by Podiatry Assistant (S107)

Criteria for Suitability for care by Podiatry Assistant