The Derbyshire Community Health Services Charitable Trust

The DCHS Charitable Trust is responsible for the governance and administration of charitable funds donated to DCHS.

The charity’s work supports two key areas:

  • Patient welfare - improvement in the quality of care by the provision of equipment or facilities not normally provided by the NHS
  • Staff welfare - improvement in staff facilities, training and education not normally funded by the NHS

The day to day running of the charity is overseen by the Charitable Funds Committee which is a formal sub-committee of our Board.

The charity is managed entirely separately to the Trust, maintains its own accounting records and produces a separate annual report each year which is filed with the Charity Commission.

Most donations come from generous patients and their relatives or carers who would like to express thanks for the help and care they have received or from significant legacies or bequests.

DCHS provide services across the whole of Derbyshire and are public funded. However, the demands on services are ever increasing and therefore the gifts and donations made through the DCHS Charitable Trust can make a significant difference to the lives of our patients and staff.

Here are just a few ways in which your money can make a difference:

  • £50               buys toys for our children’s services (distraction aids)
  • £100             buys plants and gardening equipment for patient therapy sessions
  • £500             buys a television for a patient waiting area
  • £1000           buys Neurotrac stimulators to help the treatment of incontinence 

Thank you for supporting DCHS Charitable Trust, we are very grateful for all donations received. 

Donations can be gifted for a specific hospital or service or you can let us decide where the need is greatest.  Donations can be made by:

  • Cash/Cheque Please complete the donation form and make cheques payable to: The DCHS Charitable Trust. Please don't send cash in the post.
  • Standing order You can set up a standing order to make a regular donation. Please email for more information.
  • Legacy through a Will Thank you for considering a gift in your Will, please seek advice from a solicitor in the first instance or for further information please email

Don’t forget to Gift Aid your donations so we can claim an additional 25% from the government.

Thank you again for your support, every penny really does make a huge difference.