14th June 2023

#DCHSfamily photo album – Let’s add your photos!

With NHS 75 fast approaching we are on the hunt for your photos to create a snapshot celebration of all things NHS and DCHS to mark the NHS’ 75th birthday.

We can’t wait to see what gems you send us!

Before you go rummaging through phone images, or looking for colour/black and white prints in drawers and (for the most organised amongst us), in your own albums, here are a few ideas to get you started.

We’d love to have:

  • Your own then-and-now photos – send us a picture of the younger you at the start of your career and one of you now.
  • Old photos of the NHS/DCHS – we doubt any of you can go back 75 years but how far can you go back… please show us how things used to be in healthcare.
  • Multi-generation NHS families – are you part of a proud NHS family and how many of you are there? Do you span two/three or more generations? Or do you have siblings/spouses in NHS roles? We’d love photos of your own NHS family to help celebrate those NHS career families.

Please send your photos to us via Whatsapp on 07890 562596 or email to dchst.communications@nhs.net by 26 June and if you have any queries contact the comms team.

Once we have your photos we’ll be creating a brilliant DCHS virtual album to share in time for NHS 75 – so please be a part of it.