About us

The learning disability service provides specialist healthcare for people with a learning disability in Derbyshire, including people who:

  • Have a diagnosis of learning disability identified by a significant impairment in cognitive functioning together with a significant impairment in social and adaptive functioning
  • Require assessment, treatment and rehabilitation, whilst under supervision, to ensure safe management of behaviours
  • Have been assessed as presenting risk to others (or self) and may have involvement with criminal justice agencies
  • Have a history of challenging existing service provision or existing service provision is not appropriate to meet current individual needs.

Priority will be given to patients from the Derbyshire area. 

We provide a multidisciplinary approach to the assessment and treatment of people with a learning disability and offer the following services:

  • In-patient assessment and treatment, behavioural rehabilitation and respite services
  • Specialist sensory and therapy services
  • Community-based learning disability teams (CLDTs)
  • Specialist out-patient clinics
  • Locally-based health-led short break units.

How To Access The Service

The service accepts self-referrals, GP, health professionals, carers, family and social workers.

1293 - Adult Neurodevelopmental Services Referral Form