5th April 2023

Introducing Hollieguard for lone workers

As mentioned previously, as a Trust we are moving from the SkyGuard emergency devices to the app-based product, HollieGuard.

HollieGuard can be downloaded for free to your work or personal phone, will replace the SkyGuard lone worker devices.

The HollieGuard app has been approved by Derbyshire Constabulary and is already in use across NHS Trusts throughout England.

Lone working does not only apply to colleagues out in the community but also hybrid and home workers who may be working in isolation, away from a work base or at different times of the day and night.

We want to ensure the safety of ALL colleagues as far as is practicable, whether they work within our offices, medical centres, UTCs, or undertake lots of travelling or work from home (or hybrid working).

The app is available to download for free now from the Android Play Store or Apple Store. No data is captured when the app is not in use and tracking is also not possible when the app is in not used. The app can only track when an emergency is activated by the user.

If you have been requested by your line manager/divisional lead/director to upload the app – please go to the Play Store (Android) or Apple Store (Apple) and follow the attached guidance document.

If you are a line manager – could you also ensure that any new members of staff who require the HollieGuard app have downloaded it and are aware of how to use it – in step with your own local escalation procedures.

In addition, if you go to your own ESR page, there will be a dedicated training module for you to complete which will give you information on the HollieGuard usage and functions which will give you an added layer of protection for a variety of situations.

NOTE: - This app is NOT intended to replace your current emergency procedures within your teams – it is intended as an ADDITION to your emergency protocols.

If you think that you don’t need the HollieGuard app for work purposes, you can also use the app personally to assist your safety.

For more information on the app and its features go to: Hollie Guard – Personal Safety App