571 Pages found that matched your search:
679 Files found that matched your search:



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Disclosure Ref 202428 - ICT Contacts.pdf

Freedom of Information disclosure regarding ICT Contacts

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Disclosure Ref 202445 - Locally Employed Doctors.pdf

FOI Disclosure Ref 202445 - Locally Employed Doctors

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INR Testing procedure within Derbyshire Community Health Services by Podiatry Surgery at Ilkeston and Buxton Hospitals (S128)

Only podiatric surgery with the relevant equipment, training and framework in place will be able to utilise this procedure. This clinical procedure will support clinical staff in practice to include arrangements with regards the procedure of the taking of the INR test, quality assurance /quality control, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) assessment, Infection control measures, and any relevant Health and Safety issues. In line with recommendations within the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Device Bulletin “Management and use of In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Point of Care Test Devices DB 2010(02) February 2010

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Buxton Hospital Bus Options

Buxton Hospital Bus Options

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A3 - Monitoring audit tool (P48)

Monitoring audit tool

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Annual Leave Calculator 2025-2026.xlsx

Annual Leave Calculator

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0127 MUST Nutritional Screening Tool

0127 MUST Nutritional Screening Tool

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Topical corticosteroid pathways for varicose eczema for non-medical prescribers (G201)

Topical corticosteroid pathway for varicose eczema for non-medical prescribers

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Clinical Decision Making Toolkit (G73)

As practitioners, we are tasked with making clinical decisions with patients and clients many times during their health and care journey. Clinical decision making involves a balanced understanding of the person, your experience, awareness, knowledge and information gathering, using appropriate assessment tools, your colleagues and evidence-based best practice to guide you. It is about “joining the dots” to make an informed decision.

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L227 - Welcome to the Vasectomy Service

L227 - Welcome to the Vasectomy Service. Patient information leaflet.