7th March 2022

In celebration of Social Prescribing Day (10 March), we'd like to introduce you to the Personalised Care project that will be delivered across Joined up Care Derbyshire.

What is Personalised Care? 

Personalised care means people have choice and control over the way their care is planned and delivered. It is based on 'what matters' to them and their individual strengths and needs.

What are the components of personalised care? 

  • Shared decision making
  • Personalised care and support planning
  • Enabling choice, including legal rights to choice
  • Social prescribing and community-based support
  • Supported self-management
  • Personal health budgets and integrated personal budgets.

Who we are?

Janine McKnight and Lauren Curry, and we are your project team for personalised care - workforce.

What we are doing?

We're undertaking a project around personalised care across JUCD to look at supporting the workforce to access and embed personalisation as part of their roles.

Why we are reaching out to you?

The NHS Long Term Plan makes personalised care ‘business as usual’ across health, social care and the voluntary sector. One of JUCD’s focuses is to implement and embed personalised care, across maternity care, long term conditions and end-of-life care.

We'd like to invite you, and your locality workforce to become involved. We'd like to showcase what you and your division are doing to explore personalised care.

A video and a series of webinars are being developed focusing on:

  • Maternity care
  • End-of-life care
  • Long term conditions.

Do you have staff/patients that would like to be involved?

Can you share a story of personalised care in action as part of a JUCD video to be filmed?  If you’re interested or know someone who can contribute, please contact either Janine or Lauren, before 30 March.

Save the dates for the webinars:

  • Maternity - 16 June 2-3pm
  • End-of-life care - 23 June 2-3 pm
  • Long term conditions - 30 June 2-3pm

Be involved, be part of the change.

We look forward to hearing from you.