30th September 2024

Staff Vigilance and Lock it or Lose it

Following a spate of recent incidents where unknown individuals have been seen on site in areas that are staff only, please can all Staff be extra vigilant and ensure that all windows, doors, buildings, vehicles are secure when not in use and locked at the end of the day/overnight and to turn off the lights.

If you encounter a person in a secure area that you do not recognise, challenge them to find out if they are lost or are possibly a member of staff, all staff will carry ID. Also report the incident to your manager and report it on Datix, if you require an immediate response please contact the police.

If I can please re-iterate that it is the responsibility of all staff to close, lock and protect your workplace. You know the workplace better than anyone so protect it.

With this in mind have look around at your site and think to yourself how easy it is to gain entry.

  • Challenge unknown individuals on site;
  • Have belongings and bags out of sight – preferably in a locker;
  • Where are keys kept, are they in a safe place (not easily seen or reachable);
  • Can the doors be locked and bolts used to stop entry to secure areas;
  • Report any suspicious behaviour.
  • Lock offices when not in use; and
  • Do not give out any security codes to any member of the public.

I cannot stress enough the importance of this and it is everyone's responsibility to ensure that windows, doors, buildings, vehicles are secure and locked as this prevents a breach of security.

Remember “Lock it, or Lose it”

Many thanks for your support on this - If you have any questions relating to security or the information guidelines above then please contact myself on 07833 295383 or by email at craig.burton@nhs.net (secure email address)