7th February 2022

Community nurses are essential for delivering the ambitions of the Long-Term Plan.

As a part of our NHS people, they are delivering increased complex health and care in the communities, which are very diverse, with all-age patients living with multiple conditionshigher acuity and dependence, living longer and who are cared for in a wider range of community settings. The goal of the national community nursing plan is to create a cohesive road map to increase the community nursing workforce in order to achieve the Long Term Plan goals, 2021-2026 by offering a formalised collective strategy. 

In support a new community nursing practitioners network has been set up for sharing of information and connecting community practitioners.

About the network...

This is our space... owned by all of community nursing.

Within this network, community nurses from all sectors and workforce groups, all ages, those with diverse backgrounds and different Agenda for change bands are welcome to come and share ideas, tips and insight into our community nursing family.

Within this network we can.

  • Develop and share best practice, both clinically and operationally.
  • Support and grow with research, journal articles and Quality Improvement projects.
  • Network and utilise the platform to develop online colleagues and cohorts.
  • Myth-bust and idea generate; use the collective community nursing voice to debate, communicate and liaise with each other.
  • Signpost and support.
  • Invite guests and outside speakers to showcase community nursing at its finest.
  • Champion and celebrate the achievement of community nursing.

This is your network, a place where you can be with like minded colleagues, a place that spans the Country, a place that is accessible and open for all. 

Community Nursing Practitioners Network

E: england.communitynursing@nhs.net to find out more.