Annual Members’ Meeting 2024

Members of the public are invited to join the annual members' meeting of Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust.

  • When : Thursday 12 September at 1pm until 3.30pm.
  • Where : Join the meeting on your computer, mobile app or room device: Click here to join the meeting on the day.
  • Agenda : Please click here to view our public agenda for our AMM meeting.

The meeting will report on the Trust’s performance during 2023/24 and include presentations from executive directors on areas of progress and key priorities for the year ahead in delivering NHS community health services as part of the Derbyshire integrated care system. There will also be videos and updates on some exciting developments in patient care across community health services in Derby and Derbyshire.

You can also view the agenda for the meeting here.

There will be opportunities to ask questions during the meeting. Alternatively, questions can be submitted in advance by emailing:

Annual Members' Meeting 2023

Our virtual Annual Members' Meeting took place on Thursday 14 September.

You can view the full agenda here.

The meeting reported on our performance during 2022/23 and included presentations from our executive directors on areas of progress and key priorities for the year ahead in delivering NHS community health services as part of the Derbyshire integrated care system. There were also videos and updates on some exciting developments in patient care across community health services in Derby and Derbyshire.

Find out more about our annual members’ meeting here.

You can rewatch our 2023 AMM below and download the slides here.

Annual Members Meeting 2023 - YouTube

You can view the PowerPoint Presentation slides to the AMM below.

Click here to view the video.

View our created and showcased videos from the Annual Members' Meeting here.

Quality Service

Quality People

Quality Business

Our accountability to you

Our NHS annual report and quality report 2021/22 are published online.

If you’d like to request a hard copy of either report please contact us at:


P: 01246 515224

Some of these files may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If you require another version please also contact us on the above.