End of Life - Directory of Services
Information hub for all clinicians, carers and family members, signposting to end of life support and resources available throughout Derbyshire.
Message from Michelle Bateman - Registered Nursing Associates
An update from Michelle about how DCHS has supported the Nursing Associate role since 2019.
Community nursing practitioners network
New national network for community nursing practitioners. The network has been set up for sharing of information and connecting community practitioners.
Weather alert: sub-zero temperatures, snow and ice warning
Diabetes Education Resources for Patients
A page of diabetes education resources for the people of Derbyshire.
Queens Nurse Awards 2022 - applications opening soon!
Our DCHS group of Queen's Nurses is growing fast, and we encourage you to apply. Information and details for the 2022 applications will be available on the Queen's Nursing institute website from March 2022.
Logajob instructions - includes how to find it and how to use it v3 or updated Oct 2022
0517 - Adult Continence Advisory Referral Form
DCHS Continence service online referral form - clinicians
A1b - S1 SOP - Actioning Electronic S1 Referral in Single Point of Access (SPoA) (P91)
A1b - S1 SOP - Actioning Electronic S1 Referral in Single Point of Access (SPoA)
HW&I Plan.pdf
DCHS Health, wellbeing & inclusion plan on a page 2021/2022
Section 17 Leave Policy Mental Health Act 1983 (P12)
P12 DCHS Section 17 Leave Policy Mental Health Act 1983. This Policy has been developed to assist and support staff in managing patients who are eligible for appropriate leave of absence from hospital in line and with reference to the Mental Health Act 1983 and the Mental Health Act (MHA) Code of Practice (CoP) (2015)
0402 - Syringe Pump Checking Chart
Syringe Pump Infusion chart In-patients and Community
L160 - Activity Cycling
Patient information leaflet briefly describing "Activity Cycling".
Hyperkalaemia Assessment and Management in Community Settings Guidelines (G102)
These guidelines have been produced to support the safe and timely management of hyperkalaemia in primary and community care (National Patient Safety Alert: NHS/PSA/RE/2018/006).
UTC Acute Wound Care Formulary (G99)
A comprehensive evidence‐based approach to acute wound management is an essential skill set for any Emergency Clinician or Urgent Care Practitioner and this adapted version of the DCHS wound care formulary has been devised to help facilitate this. The Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) acute wound care formulary is designed to provide Clinicians with a comprehensive guide to wound dressing products and closure within this speciality. These products were originally selected using the Derbyshire Community Dressing Formulary and Wound Care Guidelines 2018 in version 1 and have been updated in conjunction with the updated version of this for 2022 and the East Midlands Tissue Viability Group
Postural Care Guidelines for people with Complex Physical Disability (G182)
The purpose of this document is to guide good practice and standardise Postural Care for people aged 18 years and over who are registered with a North Derbyshire GP and to; • Deliver safe, person-centred, evidence- based and equitable service to people with complex physical and learning disabilities • Improve the health and well-being of people with learning disability and complex physical disability • Maintain and reduce risk of deterioration in health associated with complex physical disability • Clarify roles and responsibilities