
If you are registered with a GP in Derbyshire, you can use the GetUBetter app or website for free. Please click the link or scan the QR code below to get started.

GetUBetter App

GetUBetter QR Code




GetUBetter provides useful information to help you start to manage your condition at home. This includes advice and exercises which are specific to your needs. It also provides information about when and where to seek further medical advice.

We encourage you to start your treatment by exploring the resources on GetUBetter.

If you need an appointment with our Outpatient Musculoskeletal Therapy team, GetUBetter will direct you to our service. You can also self-refer at any time via the GetUBetter app or website. GetUBetter can help you to monitor and manage your symptoms while you wait for an appointment with us

You can also self-refer online or via telephone.

(For people aged 18 years and above)


Click here to complete our online self-referral form  

Please use this form to refer for a new patient assessment with one of our physiotherapists or occupational therapists.

Telephone - 01246 565050

Phone line open from 8.30am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday.

Answer Machine available 24 hours.