9th June 2023

Mary Seacole Local Programme Derbyshire - Applications are open for Cohorts 16 and 17

Following the success of our first 15 cohorts, the application window for Cohorts 16 and 17 is now open.

The Mary Seacole Programme is a successful, high quality NHS Leadership Academy leadership development programme which we are delighted to offer locally in Derbyshire, successful completion of the programme will lead to an NHS Leadership Academy Award in Healthcare Leadership.

It is recommended that all applicants for the Mary Seacole Local Programme in Derbyshire should have completed the Edward Jenner Programme Level 1 – this is your first port of call if you’re looking to build a strong foundation of leadership skills that can help enhance your confidence and competence in your role, the programme has been designed to offer flexibility as a suite of online short courses - full details of how to access this online programme can be found here.

Edward Jenner – Level 1 is made up of 3 short courses:

  • Course 0: An Introduction to Personal Development - takes approximately 2 weeks
  • Course 1: Exploring What Leadership Means to Me - takes approximately 4 weeks (5 hours online learning)
  • Course 2: Leading Through Relationships – takes approximately 5 weeks (5 hours online learning with a suggested 2 hours of application on the job)

Alternatively if you have completed an equivalent Leadership Programme, you will have the opportunity to tell us about your learning as part of your application for the Mary Seacole Local Programme.

How to Apply for the Mary Seacole Local Programme Derbyshire:

  • Applications for Cohorts 16 and 17 will close on Wednesday 12 July 2023 at 5.00pm – late applications will not be accepted.
  • Complete the attached application form (only applications submitted using the attached 2023 form will be considered), including a supporting statement from your line manager and submit to: crhft.joinedupcarederbyshireod@nhs.net by the closing date.
  • Confirm which Cohort you would like to be part of (please give your choices in order of preference, and state if you cannot attend a cohort).
  • Your application will be considered by a panel, and you will be offered feedback if your application is unsuccessful.
  • If you have any queries about the application process please contact Julie Sales, Project Co-ordinator by email : crhft.joinedupcarederbyshireod@nhs.net

Cohort 16

Start Date/Launch Event Thursday 21 September 2023 – half day morning only Online – MS Teams
Workshop 1 (Week 5) Thursday 19 October 2023 – full day Online – MS Teams
Workshop 2 (Week 13) Thursday 14 December 2023 – full day Online – MS Teams
Workshop 3 (Week 21) Thursday 8 February 2024 – full day Online – MS Teams
End Date (Week 27) Thursday 21 March 2024 – assignment submission deadline For information

Cohort 17

Start Date/Launch Event Tuesday 24 October 2023 – half day morning only Online – MS Teams
Workshop 1 (Week 5) Tuesday 21 November 2023 – full day Online – MS Teams
Workshop 2 (Week 13) Tuesday 16 January 2024 – full day Online – MS Teams
Workshop 3 (Week 21) Tuesday 12 March 2024 – full day Online – MS Teams
End Date (Week 27) Tuesday 23 April 2024 – assignment submission deadline For information

Your Compulsory Commitments to Complete the Programme:

  • Complete a minimum of 100 hours self-directed online learning/study using the Leadership Academy Virtual Campus – you’ll cover a total of 12 units which provide a blend of practical leadership and management skills, the first 8 units cover leadership fundamentals and build on each other as the programme progresses, units 9 to 12 relate to the core management skills of finance, HR, recruitment and selection, appraisals and annual reviews - this is the core of the programme and forms the majority of your learning - approximately 7 hours per week for 6 months.
  • Make at least 2 meaningful contributions to each unit Discussion Forum – the discussion forums. are on the virtual campus, and this is where you discuss your learning with the other members of your Cohort.
  • Attend each of the 4 Cohort dates - the Workshops complement learning on the Virtual Campus and give the opportunity to meet up with your Cohort.
  • Launch Event (half a day) – delivered online via MS Teams.
  • Workshops 1, 2 and 3 (all full days) – delivered online via MS Teams or face to face.​​​​​​

Attendance at these workshops is mandatory. Please make sure you can attend all the dates for the Launch Event and all 3 Workshops for your chosen Cohort.

  • Submit a 2000-word reflective assignment – all information relating to the assignment will be given later in the programme.

Applicants should be aware that the minimum of 100 hours self-directed online learning/study (approximately 7 hours per week for 6 months) is a true reflection of the amount of time and work needed to complete the programme.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss and negotiate protected study time with their line manager, to enable them to complete the work needed using a mixture of protected time in their working hours and their own time.

  • The Mary Seacole programme is for first time leaders in health and social care.
  • It’s for you if you are in a ‘formal’ position of leadership with responsibilities for people and services, and able to relate what you learn to your workplace.
  • Watch this short YouTube video which gives a good overview of the programme.
  • The concept of learning how to be a leader when you’re in the thick of your day-to-day responsibilities can seem rather abstract, but the Mary Seacole programme is grounded in reality and results in real workplace application.
  • It aims to provide the balance between learning the theory and putting it into practice.
  • More details about the programme can be found here (this is a link to the Leadership Academy website and is for information purposes only – do not follow any of the links on this website to apply for the programme)
  • Encouragement to look within yourself for the right leadership style, rather than comparing yourself to others.
  • Increased awareness of yourself and your abilities, enabling you to more clearly identify which styles fit your strengths, your emotional intelligence and how best to use it, how your behaviours might impact on others.
  • The authority, capacity and motivation to implement change.
  • The tools to transform emotion into an asset.
  • Greater self-awareness and emotional intelligence, enabling you to work with others more effectively.
  • The programme runs for 6 months and the maximum cost will be £150.00 per participant, this will be covered centrally by Joined Up Care Derbyshire.
  • Once you have applied and been accepted on to a cohort of the Mary Seacole Local Programme Derbyshire, it is expected that you will commit to the entirety of the course, including the compulsory workshop days
  • Should you withdraw from the programme without agreed extenuating circumstances, you may not be eligible to take part in future initiatives provided by Joined Up Care Derbyshire.
  • If you do not attend a workshop without extenuating circumstances, you or your employer will be liable to pay the £150.00 participant fee.