20th June 2022

How does diversity affect the way our colleagues and patients experience health and health services? Find out at the Living Library! 

2-4pm, Wednesday 6 July and Thursday 7 July

Borrow a Living Book for just 10-15 minutes, to understand a bit better what it’s like to be in someone else’s shoes.  Our volunteer Living Books are all NHS staff from Derbyshire and Staffordshire. They will be available to speak with you about their personal experiences of some of the Equality Act 2010 protected characteristics – including gender, ethnicity, age, and more.

The Living Library gives you the opportunity to ask questions and learn in an open, non-judgemental environment. It’s a one-to-one conversation, and what’s said is between you and the Living Book.

You may be interested for personal reasons. Or it may simply be about developing your own awareness of what life is like for colleagues and patients. Either way, our volunteers are happy to talk about their experiences.

How does it work?  

To borrow a book, join the MS Teams meeting (links below). We will briefly go over expectations for borrowers with you, and then put you into a breakout room with your preferred book. You have 15 minutes to chat with the Living Book. If you then want to continue chatting, and the Living Book agrees, you can renew the book.

It’s an online event, on MS Teams, so you can join us from wherever you are. It’s open to anybody working in Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust, or Derbyshire Healthcare Foundation Trust.

Full details of the books available are in our catalogue at https://www.uhdblibrary.co.uk/health-information-week-2022. Why not have a look and see which ones you’d like to borrow?

As with any library, if your book is already on loan when you arrive, you will need to borrow a different book. However, you can reserve a book by pre-booking a time slot (email Lindsay.snell@nhs.net or joseph.woffinden@nhs.net for more details). Alternatively, drop in on the day – it’s up to you!

We’re running the Living Library for Health Information Week (#HIW2022). This is a national week to raise awareness of the value of high quality information for patients and the public. This year, for #HIW2022, we’re focusing on diversity and the qualitative, experiential aspect of health information.

We look forward to seeing you there:

2-4pm Wednesday 6 July:  Click here to join the meeting or https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MjIxZDRlNzEtMWUxNS00YjE3LWE4MWEtZmZiN2VjOTg4NGJl%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2237c354b2-85b0-47f5-b222-07b48d774ee3%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2270b0b0c8-1ade-44e1-b9b6-2672d6829106%22%7d

2-4pm Thursday 7 July:  Click here to join the meeting or https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_N2RiYTJiM2EtYjEwOC00ZGQwLTlhYTAtMTUwOWIzYzI4Mjk2%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2237c354b2-85b0-47f5-b222-07b48d774ee3%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2270b0b0c8-1ade-44e1-b9b6-2672d6829106%22%7d