Derbyshire NHS Trust’s annual public accountability meeting
2021-22 DCHS Quality Account (FINAL SIGNED COPY 150622).pdf
DCHS Quality Account - final signed copy June 2022. This 2021/22 account describes in detail the work we have undertaken during the year to improve the quality of services we provide, to achieve our vision to be the best provider of sustainable local healthcare and be a great place to work. It also describes the continuation of our Quality Improvement journey and the importance we place on being an open, listening and transparent organisation, committed to understanding about and learning from when things go wrong as a vital part of this work.
L9 Hallux Rigidus (Arthritic Big Toe Joint) 1st MTPJ Arthrodesis - Fusion.
L9 Hallux Rigidus (Arthritic Big Toe Joint) 1st MTPJ Arthrodesis - Fusion. Podiatric Surgery patient information leaflet.
WTD Waiver Form
WTD Waiver
DCHS_Respectful Resolution - Step 3 - Direct Feedback
Respectful resolution employee relations relations resolution
A10 - SOP transfer from Children’s Continence Services to Adult Continence Service (P91)
A10 - SOP transfer from Children’s Continence Services to Adult Continence Service
APPENDIX 3 – Sickness during a period of suspension.docx
HRP24 Appendix 3 – Sickness during a period of suspension
IG staff survey 2022.pdf
Information Governance staff survey results 2022
Freedom to Speak Up Policy
DCHS Freedom to Speak Up Policy - v6 (formerly Raising Concerns). Every NHS organisation has a duty to actively promote a culture of safety and learning in which all staff feel safe to raise concerns. This policy encourages staff to speak up, offers guidance and advice on how to raise concerns and commits to support staff who speak up.
System Access and Audit Procedures - 2016.doc
DCHS System Access and Audit Procedures
Being Open and Duty of Candour Policy (P81)
The purpose of this policy is to set out the arrangements for open and honest communication following an event/incident, complaint or claim in compliance with the Being Open principles and Duty of Candour requirements