1st August 2022

Launch of the enhanced clinical practitioner role (community)

On 1 August (today) our community matrons take on a new job title of enhanced clinical practitioner to reflect the way the role has developed and in recognition of the enhanced skill set they have developed.


The name of community matron has been in use for a long time and over the years, particularly recently, it has felt it doesn’t really reflect the enhanced level of care provided by our senior community clinicians to their patients and their families.

At DCHS we are soon to launch the new Enhanced Capability Framework, linked across Joined Up Care Derbyshire and the Ageing Well programme, to frame the enhanced clinical work which is delivered by our senior community team members. To link with the framework, community matrons will become known as enhanced clinical practitioners (community).  It means the job title is more inclusive for practitioners from all professional backgrounds and reflects the level of practice at which they operate.  This will futureproof our service and reflect the strength of the clinical capabilities our community matrons have developed.