25th November 2022

Well done Audrey!

This shout-out came in complimenting Audrey Bell’s care and support of her staff and patients.

“Thank you so much for letting me spend the morning with you yesterday. It was truly heart-warming and so valuable in experiencing the amazing work you are doing caring for the residents in your care homes and the staff you are supporting. I particularly loved the kind compassionate caring way in which you delivered your care, carefully listening to all patients and understand what really matters to them which makes such a difference to their care. You carefully considered all aspects holistically and gave an all-round enhanced holistic systems review when required. Respect forms were reviewed when needed and documentation within templates completed at the time of patient assessment. You are clearly very well respected and valued by staff there and as stated they feel their support network and education has definitely improved so much since you have been delivering care there.

Well done Audrey you should be so proud of yourself – I know I am very proud of you and so pleased to have you on our team.”

From an email sent by Audrey's colleague Sara Hudson.