17th January 2022

MyDCHS has a new home; it is now accessed from the DCHS main web address - www.dchs.nhs.uk. The eagle eyed might have noticed the default site has also started to switch over. You can still access the old MyDCHS site - https://my.dchs.nhs.uk/ - but we can no longer update content or sort out log in problems.

Accessing new MyDCHS

Step 1: Click www.dchs.nhs.uk

Step 2: Click on Log in to MyDCHS

Step 3: Click on Log in via NHS Mail 
This is the option for DCHS colleagues.  The 'standard' option is reserved for access by people who do not have a DCHS email account. eg our Governors.

Enter your NHS email account details and this will automatically open the MyDCHS section of the site.

It will look like this on the home page: