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Appendix 10: Blood bikes information

Appendix 10: Blood bikes information, for clinicians - Section 5.28 Covid 19 IP&C Policy

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Holiday Footcare Advice for people with 'at risk' feet.pub

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DCHS Declaraton - Staff Nursing.pdf

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APPENDIX 23a - Panel Evaluation Form for Staff Partnership Representative.docx

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Disclosure Ref 2024165 - Biliary Tract & Non small cell lung cancer treatment .pdf

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Information Management and Technology Security Policy.docx

DCHS Information Management and Technology Security Policy

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Electronic Prescribing in the Community SOP (S77)

The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to outline the steps required for community prescribers to utilise the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS – also known as ETP2). EPS enables community prescribers to transfer prescriptions electronically to the patient’s nominated pharmacy via the Spine which can then be collected without the need for a paper prescription.

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Dual Diagnosis Guideline (G1)

This guidance describes the objectives that need to be in place to ensure that; DCHS staff have the appropriate skills for working with service users who have a dual diagnosis of mental illness and substance misuse; and that there is an agreed way forward for working with this service user group.

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Wound Assessment SOP (S62)

The purpose of this document is to provide a clear written procedure for staff to understand what information is required when assessing a wound using the wound assessment template on SystmOne. It will include information about when to refer to different services and key information about individual accountability to the patient in wound care. This document will be available to all nurses in Community Health Services and to new starters. It will provide them with a single reference point for how to assess a wound and action to be taken in the event of problems, concerns or complaints.

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Child Visiting Policy (P18)

The aim of this policy is to provide a process for staff when facilitating visits by a child/ren to (Derbyshire Community Health Services FT) DCHS inpatient and day case services, including services where patients are detained under the Mental Health Act (1983). Maintaining effective family contact and dynamics has been shown to often be crucial for a full recovery for people with mental health problems. Health professionals must be aware that the needs of the child come first, and they must not be put at significant risk of harm. Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018) sets out how organisations and individuals should work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people in accordance with Section 11 of the Children Act 2004. All health professionals and organisations have a key role to play in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. Many DCHS services do not directly work with children; staff working within these services may indirectly become involved in the welfare of child visitors as part of their daily case management.