30th May 2022

The VOSS4UC Self-Serve and Self-Admin Portals will be upgraded to the latest software version as part of Vodafone's lifecycle management strategy, ensuring it remains fully supported and receives the latest security updates, ensuring they can keep the service fully operational for us into the future.

Vodafone will be undertaking the upgrade work on Friday, June 10 2022 from 23:30 UTC, and expect the critical features of the Self-Serve and Self-Admin Portals to be unavailable for up to 24 hours. You will find an alert regarding this on the portal log-in screens. They will aim to restore full service to the portals as quickly as we can.

Calls and normal use across the VONE-C service will remain unaffected, but access will not be available to the Self-Service and Self Admin Portals for the duration. This means that any configuration changes made through the portals, including call forwarding/redirection will not be possible.

• Changes to existing call features made prior to the upgrade will be unaffected and remain as configured.
• New changes to call forwarding during the outage period will need to be configured on the physical device if required and changed on the portals when service as restored.

Vodafone expect the upgrade to complete smoothly and without further disruption. They have established mitigation strategies in place as required and will work hard to prevent any disruption to us and the VONE-C service.

Please email our Telecoms/Network Engineer, Rav Kooner if you are aware of any critical call transfer activities that may need to happen during this outage period.