568 Pages found that matched your search:
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DCHS SIM-swap project – important information for laptop users

DCHS SIM-swap project - 5 weeks to swap out over 2,500 laptops. Mostly laptops that are used by mobile workers (ie clinicians that go in to patients homes).


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Overcoming communication difficulties for staff, patients and visitors during COVID-19

Overcoming communication difficulties for staff, patients and visitors during COVID-19

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Information about your diabetic foot B&W.pub

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Neonatal Jaundice Guidelines (G267)

This guidance supports health visitors with management of jaundice in infants.

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Reference List for G321 Adult Nutrition, Food and Hydration Guidelines for Inpatients.docx

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Clinical Harms Review Additional detail for Service Level SOP (S133)

This document should be read in conjunction with the overarching DCHS Standard Operating procedure on Clinical Harms which outlines the processes to be followed to deliver a consistent approach to. • Risk stratification to minimise clinical harm as a result of delays in care. • Embedding systems which take into account health inequalities. • Monitoring waiting times against defined thresholds across pathways of care. • Delivering personalised, patient-centred communications to patients who are waiting for care. • Implementing Harm Reviews that support the Trusts governance and assurance processes and maintains practice in line with national expectations. The intention of the service level document is to provide specific detail on. • The risk stratification process in operation and clinically appropriate to specific service lines and patient cohorts • Waiting time thresholds for the relevant patient pathways

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My Community Autumn 2019

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Sending information via email.docx

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Intravenous Therapy and Vascular Access Device (VAD) Policy - Adults (P47)

The use of intravenous medicines has many healthcare benefits for patients. Intravenous medicines are increasingly commonplace within the community setting and the need for an intravenous medicine is often a reason for patient’s being admitted to secondary care. Following the implementation of national and local policy, there is a new direction for community care providers such as DCHS to develop services that can be provided within the community hospital or community setting to accommodate patient’s being able to receive more complex care. The aims of this policy are: To prevent unnecessary acute hospital admission and to facilitate early discharge from the acute hospital setting by enabling patients to receive IV medicines safely within their own home or a community health care setting. To ensure an IV medicine is the most appropriate treatment for the patient and that it is administered via the most appropriate Vascular Access Device, the most appropriate vascular access site is chosen and the IV medicine is administered at the right time. To reduce the risk of complications by ensuring registered practitioners’ practice safely and consistently in relation to the administration of IV medicines, Vascular Access Device Insertion and the care and maintenance of Vascular Access Devices (VADs), through the implementation of evidence-based practice and by providing staff with the necessary guidance on clinical practice and training. To preserve and promote patient vessel health in the short and long term by ensuring any Vascular Access Device inserted is the most appropriate device for the treatment being administered and that it is placed by the most appropriately qualified practitioner.

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Christmas 2021 - IP&C guidance

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DCHS Community Podiatry eligibility leaflet (2020).pdf

DCHS Community Podiatry eligibility leaflet (2020)