Family invitation to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week in Derbyshire
Freedom to Speak Up (Raise a Concern)
Public invited to NHS health meeting in Derby
Can you spare a day to cycle for healthy children and a healthy climate? - Ride for their lives 2022
Wound Assessment SOP (S62)
The purpose of this document is to provide a clear written procedure for staff to understand what information is required when assessing a wound using the wound assessment template on SystmOne. It will include information about when to refer to different services and key information about individual accountability to the patient in wound care. This document will be available to all nurses in Community Health Services and to new starters. It will provide them with a single reference point for how to assess a wound and action to be taken in the event of problems, concerns or complaints.
L145 - Important advice for casts on lower limbs
Important advice for casts on lower limbs, patient information leaflet.
Disclosure Ref 202281 - Staff Absence data Dec 2021 - Jan 2022.pdf
FOI disclosure
Action Card for the use of Physiotherapy Aerosol Generating Procedures in Patients with COVID 19 or suspected COVID 19 in ward based areas
Action Card for the use of Physiotherapy Aerosol Generating Procedures in Patients with COVID 19 or suspected COVID 19 in ward based areas