Can you spare a day to cycle for healthy children and a healthy climate? - Ride for their lives 2022
Information about your appointment
Everything you need to know before you attend a physiotherapy appointment at Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS FT
Wound Clinic Service
Our wound clinic service was established in 2019 to provide a 7-day per week wound care service for the people of Derbyshire.
New Bump in the Road campaign and podcast series to support new parents in Derbyshire
Health Psychology
The DCHS health psychology service provides specialist psychological care and support to adults with physical health problems.
Tracy Allen to step down as chief executive of Derbyshire’s community NHS services
Tracy Allen has announced plans to step down as chief executive of Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust in September 2024, after 13 years in the role.
Standard Operating Procedure for Stay Steady Strength And Balance Programme (S102)
To outline the clinical and quality standards of DCHS strength and balance improvement programmes for secondary falls prevention (known as Stay Steady Strength and Balance). In addition, the SOP will provide an audit framework for the continual improvement of programmes being delivered.
Active Stand Standard Operating Procedure (S105)
To ensure that all staff are aware of the correct procedures when performing an active stand test. To ensure the protocol is standardised and staff are following safe working practices.
Disclosure Ref 202429 - Energy Management System (EMS).pdf
FOI Disclosure Ref 202429 relating to Energy Management System (EMS) contract
Disclosure Ref 202489 - IT & HIMSS Systems and Spend.pdf
FOI Disclosure Ref 202489 relating to IT & HIMSS Systems and Spend
Disclosure Ref 202521 - Health records & Electronic Document Management System (eDMS).pdf
Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding Electronic Document Management System (eDMS) for digitised patient Health Records
Disclosure Ref 202507 - Policies regarding mental health 2 of 3.pdf
Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding adaptations of restraint-related policies, or procedures, for people with learning disabilities, e.g. easy read guidance. We are particularly interested in sourcing good practice in how people with learning disabilities are supported when they come into NHS mental health units.
Trust Policy for Free of Charge (FOC) Medicines Schemes (P109)
This policy is to ensure consistent, equitable and robust consideration of any free of charge (FOC) scheme that DCHS clinicians would like to be considered for use within DCHS, in line with the National guidance on FOC schemes. Including the requirement for consideration of schemes within Derbyshire for system approval prior to use within DCHS by the Derbyshire Joint Area Prescribing Committee. Where the medicine is currently commissioned by NHS England Specialised Commissioning, ICSs should discuss all FOC schemes with their regional specialised commissioning team in the first instance, before a decision is made on whether to implement the FOC scheme.
Corporate Framework October 2023
Corporate Framework 2023
Uniform and Dress Code Policy (P3)
Staff working within Derbyshire Community Health Services (DCHS) NHS Foundation Trust are required to adhere to a safe, hygienic and appropriate uniform and dress code policy. Therefore the purpose of this policy is to clarify the standards that staff are required to comply with. DCHS recognises the importance of appearance and attire in providing a professional image when working with clients and representing the Trust. All staff working clinically or visiting a clinical area have a responsibility for safeguarding patients in respect of reducing hospital acquired infections, therefore all clinical staff should adhere to the best practice guidelines as set by the Department of Health’s Best Practice Guidelines found in Uniforms and Work Wear DOH March 2010, An Evidence Base for Developing a Local Policy (DH)
Adult Enteral Feeding Policy (P48)
The purpose of the policy is to provide best practice guidance for the care of adults fed via with an enteral feeding tube. The aim of the policy is to ensure delivery of safe and effective care for patients who are enterally tube fed within Derbyshire Community Health Services: • Community Hospitals, • Community Services • Care Homes And to ensure continuity of care within Derbyshire Community Health Service Foundation Trust.