LGBTQIA+ Staff Network
Find out how to join the LGBTQ+ staff network, support our work through meetings, wearing the rainbow pin badge or rainbow lanyard and more you can do as an LGBTQ+ ally.
A BIG conversation is about to begin… and you’re invited.
Join a generational first big conversation to shape how to improve your wellbeing working in the NHS.
New Bump in the Road campaign and podcast series to support new parents in Derbyshire
SOP for the supply or issue of Steroid Emergency Cards (S87)
Identify / supply to patients who require a Steroid Emergency card in the Community Hospitals setting, Urgent Treatment Centres, Podiatric Surgery, Integrated Community teams and specialist services such as Respiratory teams and Physiotherapy if a new Steroid Emergency card is needed or a Steroid Emergency Card has been lost
Enhanced Observation Policy (P61)
The purpose of this policy is to describe how supportive observations and engagement maximise people’s safety, minimise risk and initiate and build supportive therapeutic relationships. During times of increased distress or risk, a person may require a temporary period of an enhanced level of supportive engagement to maintain safety for him/her or others while the level of distress or risk is reduced. This will be achieved by establishing a good rapport with the person, promoting their coping skills and being aware of their individual needs/reasonable adjustments. This policy sets out evidence-based practice for individual clinicians, teams and services regarding the engagement and observations of patients being cared for in DCHS inpatient Older People Mental Health and Learning Disability Services only. Observation is seen as an integral part of person-centred treatment planning and contributes to the management and reduction of risk. All forms of observation however will have implications for the patients’ privacy and dignity. The level of observation for each person should be justified as reasonable and proportionate to the degree of risk they pose to either themselves or others and to enable their care needs to be safely met. The aim of The Policy is to provides clear evidence-based guidance for the observation of patients within Older People’s Mental Health and the Learning Disability Service. All persons cared for in Older People’s Mental Health and Learning disability clinical areas are observed by the staff.
Prescription and administration of Oxygen in a Hospital or Clinic setting; Guidelines and Procedure (G22)
The aim of these guidelines are to ensure that: • All patients who require supplementary oxygen therapy receive therapy that is appropriate to their clinical condition and in line with national guidance (BTS Guideline; 2017). • Where oxygen saturation monitoring is available oxygen will be prescribed according to a target saturation range. • Those who administer oxygen therapy will monitor the patient and titrate oxygen to maintain oxygen saturations within the target saturation range.
Medical Devices Training for Integrated Sexual Health Service (S67)
The purpose of this SOP is to provide the means of ensuring that all staff have the appropriate training on the relevant medical devices within Integrated Sexual Health Services. The training will assist to reduce the risk of new adverse incidents involving medical devices, reducing the risk of harm to patients, staff, relatives, carers and visitors caused by medical devices; support patients and staff to made individual decisions about the risks of using medical devices and outline a standardised approach to the training in the use of medical devices within Integrated Sexual Health Services.
Consent Policy (P42)
Consent is a fundamental part of the relationship between NHS staff who deliver care and treatment and the adults, young people and children who access services in the NHS for their care and treatment. “Consent to treatment means a person must give permission before they receive any type of medical treatment, test or examination. Consent from a patient is needed regardless of the procedure, [and the] principle of consent is an important part of medical ethics and international human rights law” (NHS: 2019). “A healthcare professional (or other healthcare staff) who does not respect this principle may be liable both to legal action by the patient and to action by their professional body. Employing bodies may also be liable for the actions of their staff” (DH 2009:5). The aim of this policy is to set out the principles, practice and responsibilities of Trust staff when seeking consent for assessment, examination, intervention (surgical and non-surgical), investigation, treatment and investigative images and recordings.
L156 - Reducing restrictive interventions (easy read)
Easy read patient information leaflet about reducing restrictive interventions and what these are. Produced by Hillside Assessment & Treatment Unit and Walton Unit - Older Peoples Mental Health services.
Communications Annex V7.pdf
How to communicate with Patients using the communication annexe on SystmOne
Financial wellbeing and support - DCHS
Financial wellbeing and support - DCHS v2, includes useful contact details for support and advice agencies
Logajob instructions - includes how to find it and how to use it v3 or updated Oct 2022
Disclosure Ref 2022127 - BI & Data Warehousing, E-rostering, Order Communications, Pathology, Pharmacy, & Scheduling.pdf
Response to FOI