How quality makes a difference to you in DCHS
Changes to MyDCHS
Changes to MyDCHS
LGBTQIA+ Staff Network
Find out how to join the LGBTQ+ staff network, support our work through meetings, wearing the rainbow pin badge or rainbow lanyard and more you can do as an LGBTQ+ ally.
A BIG conversation is about to begin… and you’re invited.
Join a generational first big conversation to shape how to improve your wellbeing working in the NHS.
Leg Ulcer Assessment and Management Policy (P66)
• Ensure that all patients in DCHS care, presenting with a lower limb wound receive a comprehensive assessment and subsequent diagnosis from a registered nurse who has had additional training and competencies in Leg Ulcer Management. • Support DCHS clinicians and partners in care to know when to refer those patients with complex, atypical or non-healing lower limb ulceration for review by specialist services in primary and secondary care settings. • To provide a framework to ensure that the quality of care for patients in this area can be monitored and improved in line with the quality agenda.
Belper health and community services hub plans - public presentation for 27 January 2022.pdf
Belper health and community services hub - plans. Public presentation (27 January) prior to submitting planning application.
Patient (or carer) Initiated Follow-up SOP Dementia Palliative Care Service (S132)
Patient initiated follow-up (PIFU) describes when a patient (or their carer) can initiate their follow-up visit as and when required, e.g., when symptoms or circumstances change. This SOP defines the process, roles, and responsibilities for the following: • Identifying which patients PIFU is right for • Moving a patient onto a PIFU pathway • Booking visits which have been initiated by a patient or carer • Managing patients who do not initiate a review/home visit within the PIFU timescale • Discharging or booking reviews at the end of that patient’s PIFU timescale • Monitoring compliance Dementia Palliative Care Service are in the process of piloting a PIFU process for 12 months. The pilot will be reviewed every 3 months with a final review post 12 months.
S146 - Infant Feeding Specialists SOP
This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) gives an overview of the service provided by Infant Feeding Specialists (IFS). It also supports a commitment to ensure evidence-based tools and training are embedded within practice, supporting the local commissioning for outcomes recommendations, and offering assurance that the service is focused on personalised and needs based care. This Standard Operating Procedure should be used in conjunction with other DCHS Childrens and DCHS Trust policies along with UNICEF Baby Friendly standards.
Disclosure Ref 202517 - Septic compounding services.pdf
Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding in-house aseptic compounding services
Disclosure Ref 202515 - Human Albumin purchased.pdf
Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding Human Albumin purchased 2023 and 2024
Disclosure Ref 202536 - Missed hospital appointments in Trust during 2024..pdf
Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding scheduled appointments were missed by patients (DNA/Did Not Attend) across all major hospitals
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Policy (P90)
To provide information about the practical help and support that is available to employees of DCHSFT who are currently experiencing domestic abuse, or are experiencing trauma as a result of their past experiences of abuse. This Policy also covers the approach to be taken where an employee’s behaviour towards their family may constitute domestic abuse. Providing this information empowers Managers to take effective, supportive action and reinforces the message that domestic abuse and sexual violence cannot be ignored.
Dressing Formulary and Wound Care Guidelines (G68)
The Derbyshire Wound Care and dressing formulary has been revised in collaboration with the East Midlands Wound Care Formulary Group. Work has been undertaken to provide a clinically effective, appropriate and cost effective choices of products to manage the vast majority of wounds. The formulary is available for all practitioners working for Derbyshire Community Health Services and Primary Care Services. It is expected that prescribers will preferentially use the products listed in the guide for routine use and be able to provide robust rationale where they have prescribed outside the formulary.
L229 - Sputum Clearance Technique
L229 - Sputum Clearance Technique. Respiratory Service patient information leaflet.