Join the bank
DCHS employs temporary staff via our bank or from agencies. The temporary staffing team support this activity, including Covid-19 temporary staffing.
Top tips for saving on energy bills
Logging compliments – new system
Share your commute using Liftshare
Disability and Long Term Conditions staff network
A staff network for DCHS colleagues who have, colleagues who live with someone with or colleagues who support other colleagues with a disability or a long term condition. Also known as the DLTC staff network.
How to complete documentation for a P2a and P2b MDT - A7 (G320)
How to complete documentation for a P2a and P2b MDT
HRP37 Managing Allegations Against Staff PiPoT Policy - Appendix 2 - Information for Managers - Managing Abuse Allegations Against Adults Who are a Person in Position of Trust (PIPOT
HRP37 Managing Allegations Against Staff PiPoT Policy - Appendix 2 - Information for Managers - Managing Abuse Allegations Against Adults Who are a Person in Position of Trust (PIPOT
What seating can do for you (L330)
What seating can do for you
PGD 152C Morphine Sulfate Oral Solution for Children (UTC).pdf
PGD 152C Morphine Sulphate for Children (UTC)
Dementia Palliative Care Service Patient Leaflet – Transitional Nurse (L331)
Dementia Palliative Care Service Patient Leaflet – Transitional Nurse
L334 - North East Derbyshire Type 2 Diabetes Education and Support
North East Derbyshire Type 2 Diabetes Education and Support (L334)
Working safely with sharps - Presentation 24.25
Working safely with sharps - Presentation 24.25
Latest Register of CoG Declarations - 23/24
COG declarations of interests
DCHS authorisation letter
Community Treatment Order Policy (P62)
This policy sets out the legal framework for the operation of an order made under section 17A of the Mental Health Act (‘the Act’) which is known as a ‘Community Treatment Order’ (‘CTO’). The purpose of a CTO is to allow suitable patients to be safely treated in the community rather than under detention in hospital, and to provide a way to help prevent relapse and any harm – to the patient or to others – that this might cause. It is intended to help patients to maintain stable mental health outside hospital and to promote recovery. The term ‘patient’ is used throughout to reflect the language of the Mental Health Act Code of Practice (MHA CoP or ‘the code’) but terms such as ‘CTO patient’ or ‘service user’ may be preferred locally. This policy should be read in conjunction with chapter 29 of the MHA CoP which offers guidance on the operation of the Act. The principles set out in Chapter 1 of the Code in particular, treating patients using the least restrictive option and maximising their independence; and purpose and effectiveness should always be considered when considering CTOs (MHA CoP – 29.5)