DCHS payroll provider is changing!
From 1 April 2022 we're moving from our current payroll provider Shared Business Services (SBS) to a new payroll provider University Hospitals of Derby & Burton NHS FT (UHDB).
Logging compliments – new system
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Disability and Long Term Conditions staff network
A staff network for DCHS colleagues who have, colleagues who live with someone with or colleagues who support other colleagues with a disability or a long term condition. Also known as the DLTC staff network.
Learning disability service
0220 - Barrier Cleaning Daily Schedule for individual patient form
0220 - Daily Barrier Cleaning Schedule for individual patient
North Derbyshire OPAT (Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy) Pathway for Primary Care (Step-Up Pathway/Admission Avoidance) (G198)
OPAT services provide intravenous (IV) antibiotics to patients outside of the acute hospital inpatient setting. Patients who are otherwise medically fit, and who would otherwise require a hospital bed, can avoid admission to hospital, or be discharged sooner by receiving treatment either as an outpatient or within their own homes. In North Derbyshire, this is achieved by Chesterfield Royal Hospital Foundation Trust (CRHFT) working in partnership with Derbyshire Community Health Services (DCHS) Rapid Response Team (RRT).
0273 - OT Environment Measurement Information Sheet Carer
0273 - OT Environment Measurement Information Sheet Carer
0508 - Index Dividers In-Patients
0508 - Index Dividers In-Patients
1199 - Standards for deep cleaning of resuscitation equipment
1199 - Standards for deep cleaning of resuscitation equipment
L76 - Integrated Community Team
L76 - Integrated Community Team Leaflet.
Be Tear Aware Pathway (G190)
G190 - Be Tear Aware Pathway
Informal Carers administration of PRN subcutaneous injection in Community Palliative care Guidelines for DCHS staff (G184)
A small number of dying patients’ relatives request permission to administer subcutaneous medication at home to enable symptom control. UK statutory law supports this practice within a safe governance structure. To support this in practice “The Derbyshire policy for Informal Carers Administration of an as required subcutaneous injection in Community Palliative care” has been developed and underpins these guidelines for Derbyshire Community Health Service (DCHS) staff.
Recognition of Patient Deterioration (Adults) Policy (P83)
The aim of this policy is to set the minimum standard and frequency for monitoring and recording adult patients’ vital signs in their own home, Minor Injuries Units, outpatient podiatric surgery and community hospital wards. The mismanagement of deterioration is a common area of systemic failure in avoidable patient death across the NHS (NHS Improvement, 2016, Hogan et al, 2012) and poor communication is a leading cause of adverse events in healthcare. The National Early Warning Score (NEWS) offers a common language to describe and communicate a patient’s acute illness severity by all healthcare professionals in all settings and is central to establishing a national pathway for improving the management of deterioration and sepsis (Inada-Kim and Nsutebu, 2018). This policy aims to increase survival among acutely unwell and deteriorating patients
DCHS - what happens if I make a complaint?