7th October 2022

Making Inclusive Decisions

Are you involved in service changes, commissioning/decommissioning services, procurements,  formulating strategies, initiating projects, developing or reviewing policies, etc? If yes, this training programme on inclusive decision-making, using equality impact assessment (EIA), is for you.

The EDI Team are running a series of workshops on inclusive decision-making, which will take place in DCHS between October 2022 and March 2023, with opportunities to increase your understanding, practice the learning and have your questions answered.

The training is split into two modules: Module 1 is knowledge-based, and Module 2 is putting the learning into practice.  To complete the programme, you need to attend both modules.  Module 1 will lay the foundation required for Module 2.

The training intends to take colleagues through the key stages of an ‘Equality Impact Assessment’ (EIA) process, and will cover:

  • What EIA is, its purpose and benefits.
  • Understanding the Equality Act 2010, particularly the Public Sector Equality Duty.
  • When and how to undertake EIA.
  • The tools needed for EIA.
  • When and how to review EIA.

Colleagues will:

  • Increase their understanding of the Equality Act 2010.
  • Understand the different stages of EIA process and develop some practical skills in how to undertake EIA, for example to review decisions on service change, strategies, policies, procedures, proposals, projects, programmes, schemes, etc.

To book your place, select a date for each module from the table below, and please register as soon as possible due to limited places. The maximum capacity for each session is 20, and registration will be closed once this capacity has been reached.

You will be sent Calendar invites/Teams links to join the sessions you have booked on nearer the dates. In the meantime, please hold the dates in your diary and ensure you turn up to the session you book on.

We look forward to seeing you on the programme.

For more details about the programme/workshops, email marian.ogunkoya@nhs.net.

Module 1

Module 2

Monday 24 Oct


Click here to book  


Click here to book

Tuesday 25 Oct

9:50am - 12:50pm

Click here to book


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Thursday 3 Nov

9:50am - 12:50pm

Click here to book        


Click here to book   

Tuesday 29 Nov

9:50am - 12:50pm

Click here to book   


Click here to book     

Wednesday 11 Jan

9:50am - 12:50pm

Click here to book      


Click here to book    

Monday 30 Jan

9:50am - 12:50pm

Click here to book         


Click here to book   

Monday 6 Feb

9:50am - 12:50pm

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Click here to book 

Tuesday 21 Feb

9:50am - 12:50pm

Click here to book    


Click here to book    

Monday 27 Mar

9:50am - 12:50pm

Click here to book  

Monday 27 Mar


Click here to book