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A2 - Support and Additional Contacts (P10)

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APPENDIX 2 Statutory Paternity Pay and Leave Becoming a Parent (SC3).docx

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Declaration Rest of England

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Blood Transfusion Policy (P25)

This Policy and associated pathway have been developed and reviewed to ensure the safe practice relating to the transfusion of blood and blood components. The Policy is based on recommendations laid down by the British Task Force under the auspices of the British Standards for Haematology and other published guidelines, including the NPSA Notice ‘Right Blood, Right Patient’ November 2006.

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Staff Forum Agenda October 2021.pdf

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Appendix 3 - How can you stop yourself from touching your face masks?

How can you stop yourself from touching your face masks? Section5.28 Covid 19 IP& C Policy

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DCHS Declaraton - Public Bolsolver.pdf

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A4 - Monitoring and Audit (P10)

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APPENDIX 15 - Invite to Disciplinary Hearing - Employee.docx

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Clinical Effectiveness Policy (P85)

The purpose of this policy is to set out the rationale for clinical audit and provide a framework for such activity, including standards, guidance and procedures, as well as details of the support available from the Clinical Effectiveness Team: • For registering and approving clinical audit project proposals • For developing and designing clinical audit projects • To ensure clinical audit leads to improvement when a need for improvement is identified This policy aims to support a culture of best practice in the management and delivery of clinical audit, to clarify the roles and responsibilities of all staff involved, and to promote a culture of quality improvement in our services.