Message from Michelle Bateman - Registered Nursing Associates
An update from Michelle about how DCHS has supported the Nursing Associate role since 2019.
SAMA Template 05 Keeping in Touch Letter
Template 05 Keeping In Touch Letter
PICO Top Tips (P11)
PICO Top Tips (P11)
0312 - Notice of Recall to Hospital MH Act 1983 Sec 17
0312 - Notice of Recall to Hospital MH Act 1983 Sec 17
0123 - Learning Disability Arousal Monitoring Chart
0123 - Learning Disability Arousal Monitoring Chart
Information and Fire Prevention Guidance in relation to Dynamic Air Flow Pressure Relieving Mattresses in Community (G96)
Dynamic Air Flow Pressure Relieving Mattresses are provided to people who spend extended periods of time in bed or are bedbound due to illness and impaired mobility. This means that if a fire starts or smoke detection activates, the individual using the bed is unlikely to be able to respond/escape without assistance. When the mattresses are provided in a home setting, living alone or being alone in the property is therefore a risk factor for consideration.
0122 - Waterlow Risk Assessment Tool
Waterlow Risk Assessment Tool
0316 Enhanced Observation Monitoring Form.docx
0316 Enhanced Observation Monitoring Form
Quick_guide_to_donning_doffing_standard_PPE_health_and_social_care_poster__ (1).pdf
Quick guide to donning and doffing PPE
8-Musculoskeletal Decision Making Tool Thinking about a Referral - BACK.pdf
MSK Decision Making Tool Thinking About a Referral - Back
Tissue Viability Caseload Management Tool Kit Guidance (G213)
The overall aim of the Guidelines for the Tissue Viability Caseload Management Toolkit is to ensure that Tissue Viability Specialists manage their visits and patient caseloads in a standardised and auditable way across the whole of Tissue Viability Service. The covid19 pandemic has had a profound effect on how care and support for people is provided across all health and care settings thus this guidance has applied the learning from Covid19 to the review and development of the document