14th April 2023

Wellbeing support across Joined Up Care Derbyshire

During busy times, it is important to continue to look after yourselves and each other. Please remember we have a wide range of wellbeing support available should you need it.

New Spring activity timetable for 2023 is here!

The new Spring activity timetable delivers a diverse range of virtual and face-to-face activities, workshops, courses, and clubs to help support your physical, mental, and spiritual health and social wellbeing throughout Spring.

Linking in with April's Stress Awareness month, the team have introduced several new activities to the timetable to help support your mental and emotional health. This includes, Relax and Reflect workshops, a Stress Awareness programme, Emotional Freedom Techniques, the Importance of Having Inner Space, and Morning Meditations.

Learning new skills and trying something new helps to promote intellectual wellbeing. And the new Spring timetable delivers a wealth of activities for colleagues to try - all of which are FREE and inclusive for all. New additions to the timetable this quarter to look out for include shared reading, crochet and origami!

In response to high demands for Menopause-related support, we have added a dedicated Manager and Leader Menopause Workforce support group to the timetable - where Managers and Leaders can learn how to best support their teams through Perimenopause and Menopause. This monthly group runs in addition to our monthly Menopause Café support for all colleagues.

And thanks to a supportive partnership with Derbyshire County Council, we now have additional classes to the timetable which are delivered by Live Life Better Derbyshire - such as yoga, back care Pilates, and core based workouts, to name a few.

For more information, download the new Spring activity timetable here to find the full two pages of activities available.

Activity bookings can be made by our easy online booking platform.

All activities are completely free and if you are unable to attend a webinar you’re interested in, please book and we’ll send you a recording.