Recognition of Staff Excellence (ROSE) award

Do you know a DCHS staff member who has made a real difference, or delivered extraordinary care? Then now is the chance to give them the thanks and credit they deserve, with our new Recognition of Staff Excellence (ROSE) award.
Public nominations are now open for the ROSE award, which is designed to honour and celebrate the exceptional care and dedication shown by our colleagues and volunteers.
This award will celebrate the remarkable contributions of those who work within our Trust and impact hundreds of patients and service users every day.
Members of the public are invited to nominate a DCHS healthcare worker who has made a difference, whether that be a nurse, therapist, receptionist or any member of our 4,300 staff.
Executive director of nursing, AHPs and quality, and director of infection prevention and control Michelle Bateman said:
“This award gives patients, families, carers and members of the public the opportunity to formally say thank you to clinical and non-clinical staff who have made such a difference to their health and wellbeing, and for our staff to receive this feedback which can have such a positive impact.
“Every member of DCHS staff works hard to make a difference. This is your opportunity to say thank you by nominating someone who you feel has gone over and above to provide an extraordinary service, be that direct care and treatment or in providing a service which made a real impact on your experience.”
The criteria for nomination is:
- Outstanding level of service or care delivered by a team or individual.
- Extraordinary act of compassion, kindness or inclusion.
- Excellence in delivering personalised care or service.
- Recognition of partnership working which makes a difference to individuals or groups.
Nominations will be reviewed monthly, with one winner each month recognised in a special ceremony. Award winners will also receive a certificate and rose pin badge to wear with pride.
Find out more and nominate a member of staff here: