573 Pages found that matched your search:
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DCHS QI Tools- Conventional Process Mapping.pptx

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A9 - Nail Surgery Aftercare (S72)

Nail Surgery Aftercare

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FP10 Order Form – Individual Prescriber (A1 S13)

FP10 Order Form – Individual Prescriber

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A2 Guided self-recovery techniques (S138)

Guided self-recovery techniques

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Admission Discharge and Transfer Policy for DCHS Community Hospitals (P56)

This Policy helps define the purpose of the treatment provided by our Community Hospitals and how to access these services. It does not apply to our Older Peoples Mental Health Wards or Learning Disability Service beds as they are accessed via a separate protocol. The Policy sets clinical standards to improve the admission of appropriate patients. It encompasses the whole patient pathway including the Admission, Discharge and Transfer processes of these services. The Policy aims to support well-organised, safe and timely admissions, discharges and transfers for all patients through appropriate planning with the patient and their relatives / carers.

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TPP142-0013 - Abbey Pain Scale

TPP142-0013 - Abbey Pain Scale for Patients with Cognitive Impairment

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L94 - Staying Steady - How to reduce your risk of falling

L94 - Staying Steady - How to reduce your risk of falling. Patient and carers information leaflet produced by Age UK (Feb 2022).

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Dysphagia Management Guidelines for Adults with Learning Disabilities Document History (G14)

These guidelines set out the process of Dysphagia management used by the Speech and Language Therapy Department in North Derbyshire. The overall aim of our Dysphagia Service is to ensure that individuals are identified and enabled to eat / drink / take medication safely and comfortably. The policy aims to provide a highly specialised and holistic service to individuals with complex forms of Dysphagia using the latest evidence based assessments, treatments and Dysphagia management policies. We aim to improve dysphagia related health outcomes and individuals quality of life, and employ effective risk management strategies for preventing harm and improving individual’s health outcomes.

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Pressure Area Prevention and A(SSKIN)G Bundle Standards (S60)

Pressure Area Prevention and A(SSKIN)G Bundle Standards

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Recognising Dying in Community Hospitals Guidance (G8)

This guidance sets out an appropriate process for reviewing patients at end of life, completion of the Recognising Dying form and initiation of quality end of life care.