568 Pages found that matched your search:
1000 Files found that matched your search:



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Exposure to blood and body fluid poster

Exposure to blood and body fluid poster

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Putting On PPE

Putting on Personal Protective Equipment

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A1b - MANGAR Elk Lifting Cushion User Guide (S96)

MANGAR Elk Lifting Cushion User Guide

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2020 08 Email FAQ.docx

Email FAQs including BCC'ing an email (hiding the email addresses of who you are sending the email to) how to check if you're sending to the correct person/organisation, What to do if the email is sent to the wrong email address, receiving an email incorrectly or suspicious email

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Clinical Effectiveness Policy (P85)

The purpose of this policy is to set out the rationale for clinical audit and provide a framework for such activity, including standards, guidance and procedures, as well as details of the support available from the Clinical Effectiveness Team: • For registering and approving clinical audit project proposals • For developing and designing clinical audit projects • To ensure clinical audit leads to improvement when a need for improvement is identified This policy aims to support a culture of best practice in the management and delivery of clinical audit, to clarify the roles and responsibilities of all staff involved, and to promote a culture of quality improvement in our services.

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Living Well with Dementia Programme (L169)

Living Well with Dementia Programme. Information about an educational programme that helps support individuals with a recent diagnosis of dementia, as well as their carers and family members.

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L122 - Implant Removal Aftercare Card

L122 - Implant Removal Aftercare Card. Patient Information.

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Patient safety incident response plan Nov 2023

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Guidelines and Staff Support for The Management of Nail Surgery Procedures (G216)

The purpose of this document is to provide practical, evidence-based parameters for podiatrists and podiatry assistants involved in the provision of minor surgical procedures for the Trust

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SOP for Staff Notebooks and the Non-Use of Paper Diaries

Standard Operating Procedure for staff notebooks and non-use of paper diaries