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Community podiatry - Managing your condition at home
Helpful tips for patients, carers and clinicians to help people with self care
Wound Clinic Service
Our wound clinic service was established in 2019 to provide a 7-day per week wound care service for the people of Derbyshire.
Patient Group Directions (PGDs)
Patient Group Directions - PGDs provide a legal framework that allows some registered health professionals to supply and/or administer a specified medicine(s) to a pre-defined group of patients, without them having to see a prescriber.
Standard Operating Procedure for Medicines Management in the ISHS Community Setting (Pop up Clinic) (S134)
This SOP sets out the actions taken to facilitate the safe transportation, administration and monitoring of any medications used in the community setting in line with the medicines code.
The Use of Force, Restraint Reduction and the Management of Violence and Aggression (P58)
The policy provides a framework for support staff who work across Learning Disability Services (LD) and Older Peoples Mental Health Services (OPMH), in responding to situations that they face with regards to Behaviours that Challenge and in particular, violence and aggression (both where they can plan and where an incident in unforeseen).
Guidelines and Staff Support for The Management of Nail Surgery Procedures (G216)
The purpose of this document is to provide practical, evidence-based parameters for podiatrists and podiatry assistants involved in the provision of minor surgical procedures for the Trust
UTC Acute Wound Care Formulary (G99)
A comprehensive evidence‐based approach to acute wound management is an essential skill set for any Emergency Clinician or Urgent Care Practitioner and this adapted version of the DCHS wound care formulary has been devised to help facilitate this. The Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) acute wound care formulary is designed to provide Clinicians with a comprehensive guide to wound dressing products and closure within this speciality. These products were originally selected using the Derbyshire Community Dressing Formulary and Wound Care Guidelines 2018 in version 1 and have been updated in conjunction with the updated version of this for 2022 and the East Midlands Tissue Viability Group
Administration of Insulin Injection Policy and Standard Operating Procedure (P4)
There are a growing number of people who, because of disability, increasing age or infirmity, are unable to administer their own insulin and will need support. This guideline aims to promote standardisation and safety of insulin administration within Derbyshire Community Health Services (DCHS NHS FT). This document aligns with the Professional Guidance on the Administration of Medicines in Healthcare Settings (Royal Pharmaceutical Society 2019). Patient centred care based upon different ways of working underpins this policy and procedure as identified within the NHS Plan (DH 2000), the NSF for Older People (DH 2001), Making a Difference (DH 2001) and the NSF for Diabetes (DH 2002). UK Injection technique Recommendations have been considered alongside the need to consider safer sharps for staff (Forum for Injection Technique 2016). Underpinning the guidance are the most recent NICE and Derbyshire guidance for the management of diabetes (Joint Area Prescribing Committee 2018 NICE 2015) and National Patient Safety Alert (NPSA), ‘Risk of severe harm and death due to withdrawing insulin from pen devices,’ 16 November 2016.
Recognition of Patient Deterioration (Adults) Policy (P83)
The aim of this policy is to set the minimum standard and frequency for monitoring and recording adult patients’ vital signs in their own home, Minor Injuries Units, outpatient podiatric surgery and community hospital wards. The mismanagement of deterioration is a common area of systemic failure in avoidable patient death across the NHS (NHS Improvement, 2016, Hogan et al, 2012) and poor communication is a leading cause of adverse events in healthcare. The National Early Warning Score (NEWS) offers a common language to describe and communicate a patient’s acute illness severity by all healthcare professionals in all settings and is central to establishing a national pathway for improving the management of deterioration and sepsis (Inada-Kim and Nsutebu, 2018). This policy aims to increase survival among acutely unwell and deteriorating patients
Water Safety Governance Policy 1.1
Water, Water Safety Group, Legionella, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Legionellosis, Water Management, water flushing.
Neonatal Jaundice Guidelines (G267)
This guidance supports health visitors with management of jaundice in infants.
Enhanced Observation Policy (P61)
The purpose of this policy is to describe how supportive observations and engagement maximise people’s safety, minimise risk and initiate and build supportive therapeutic relationships. During times of increased distress or risk, a person may require a temporary period of an enhanced level of supportive engagement to maintain safety for him/her or others while the level of distress or risk is reduced. This will be achieved by establishing a good rapport with the person, promoting their coping skills and being aware of their individual needs/reasonable adjustments. This policy sets out evidence-based practice for individual clinicians, teams and services regarding the engagement and observations of patients being cared for in DCHS inpatient Older People Mental Health and Learning Disability Services only. Observation is seen as an integral part of person-centred treatment planning and contributes to the management and reduction of risk. All forms of observation however will have implications for the patients’ privacy and dignity. The level of observation for each person should be justified as reasonable and proportionate to the degree of risk they pose to either themselves or others and to enable their care needs to be safely met. The aim of The Policy is to provides clear evidence-based guidance for the observation of patients within Older People’s Mental Health and the Learning Disability Service. All persons cared for in Older People’s Mental Health and Learning disability clinical areas are observed by the staff.
STAY conversations
DCHS STAY conversations - managers guide. This is a management tool, not a formal process, aimed at supporting staff retention.