A message from the Royal Voluntary Service
We are writing to you because you have previously referred people to the NHS Volunteer Responders (NHSVR) programme, to tell you about changes to the support available from our volunteers.
Pandemic poems penned by Derbyshire NHS’ Heather Longbottom go into print!
Health Psychology
The DCHS health psychology service provides specialist psychological care and support to adults with physical health problems.
Introducing Hollieguard for lone workers
Dominic Fackler appointed as assistant director of allied health professionals (AHPs)
Dominic Fackler has been appointed as DCHS’ new assistant director of allied health professionals (AHPs). Dominic will take up his new post within the quality directorate on 1 April.
Patient Experience Team leaflet
Patient experience team leaflet, includes information on how to make a complaint and where patients/carers can access support. Updated 2022
Employee Record Summary Template - Feb 2024
An employee record summary template
APPENDIX 5 - Allegations under the Disciplinary Policy.docx
HRP24 Appendix 5 - Allegations under the Disciplinary Policy
DCHS Draft Operational Plan BOARD Jun21 AccessStd (003).pdf
Operational Plan 2021-2022
SAMA Template 01 File Note
Template 01 - File note
SAMA Template 17a Pre Final review meeting invite
Template 17a Pre Final Review Meeting invite letter
SAMA Template 34 Disability Leave Request Form
Template 34 Disability Leave Request Form
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for The T34 and Bodyguard Syringe Drivers (S61)
A subcutaneous infusion pump is an effective method of administering therapeutic drugs via subcutaneous route, which can no longer be tolerated orally or rectally by the patient. The aim of this SOP is to provide guidance for staff in the use of the McKinley T34 pump across adult services. Using a uniform SOP will reduce the level of risks associated with syringe pump management within DCHS.
Deprivation of Liberty DoLs Policy (P35)
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 aims to empower people to make decisions themselves wherever possible and sets out the steps which must be taken to promote this. Where a person lacks the capacity to make a particular decision it provides a statutory framework for acting and making decisions on their behalf, and in their best interests (see the DCHS Mental Capacity Act Policy and Appendix 3 Tips on assessing capacity) The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) is an addendum to the Mental Capacity Act (2005) that came into force in 2009. It ensures that any Best Interests decision that deprives someone of their Article 5 right to liberty (European Convention of Human Rights) is made according to defined processes and in consultation with specific authorities. It applies where a person needs to be accommodated in a hospital or a care home in order to receive care or treatment for which they cannot consent. The DoLS were introduced to protect an individual’s rights under such circumstances, and ensure that any care or treatment that they receive, including where this involves the use of restraint or restrictions, is proportionate to the risk of harm they would otherwise be at and in their best interests.
Appendix 1 - Patient Video Consultation Connection (S82)
Patient Video Consultation Connection