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LGBTQIA+ Staff Network

Find out how to join the LGBTQ+ staff network, support our work through meetings, wearing the rainbow pin badge or rainbow lanyard and more you can do as an LGBTQ+ ally.

Tracy Allen to step down as chief executive of Derbyshire’s community NHS services

Tracy Allen has announced plans to step down as chief executive of Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust in September 2024, after 13 years in the role.


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APPENDIX 8 Definitions and an Explanation of Terms Used .docx

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Organisational strategy - Bitesize slides all four themes

Organisational strategy - Bitesize slides all four themes

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SOP for the Post COVID 19 Syndrome Clinic (S85)

This document sets out the standards which, in the view of the patient and professional organisations involved, are required of services in order to deliver a review, triage and onward referral service for people with Post Covid 19 Syndrome symptoms.

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Safe to Wait SOP for Band 3 HCAs (S76)

The rationale for introducing a “Safe to Wait” process is, for when patients present to UTC Services, the first point of contact will usually be the Reception/HCA staff. The Safe to Wait Guidance will be undertaken by Health Care Assistant (Band 3) staff following specific training and a period of demonstrating competence for the assessment of patients attending the UTCs with specific conditions/injuries. This will ensure that Band 3 HCA’s are aware of “Red Flag Signs”, and symptoms that indicate that someone presenting at the unit may require immediate or urgent attention.

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Water Safety Plan Design Control 2.1.pdf

Water Safety Plan Design Control 2.1, Estates Design Team, Legionella, Water Systems.

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Genital Examination in Women (P87)

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HRP20 Supporting and Maintaining Attendance Employee Guide.docx

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Use of Clamshell Vaccine Bags by Community Nursing Teams (S99)

DCHS staff support the annual Influenza vaccination campaign and other vaccination programs by vaccinating some patients on behalf of GP practices. Vaccines are stocked in the GP practices and administered in the patients’ own homes (including care homes), which means they need to be transported between locations. DCHS staff have been provided with Clamshell Vaccine Bags for this purpose. This Standard Operating Procedure provides information to DCHS staff on the use of Clamshell Vaccine Bags.

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Safeguarding Form 1,P35,DoLs

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Nutrition and Hydration - Food Poverty

Nutrition and Hydration - Food Poverty