Meet Barbara: 71-year-old nurse and role model
Celebrating International Mother Language Day
Continence services
Tissue Viability
Coroners Flow Chart on Management of Suspected Confirmed COVID-19 Deceased.pdf
DCHS Coroners flowchart on the management of suspected and confirmed Covid-19 cases
A3 - Caseload Management and Review (S68)
Caseload Management and Review
Hyperkalaemia Assessment and Management in Community Settings Guidelines (G102)
These guidelines have been produced to support the safe and timely management of hyperkalaemia in primary and community care (National Patient Safety Alert: NHS/PSA/RE/2018/006).
HRP19 Management of Change Managers Guide
HRP19 Management of Change Manager's Guide
Tissue Viability Caseload Management Tool Kit Guidance (G213)
The overall aim of the Guidelines for the Tissue Viability Caseload Management Toolkit is to ensure that Tissue Viability Specialists manage their visits and patient caseloads in a standardised and auditable way across the whole of Tissue Viability Service. The covid19 pandemic has had a profound effect on how care and support for people is provided across all health and care settings thus this guidance has applied the learning from Covid19 to the review and development of the document
0004 - Management of the Deceased - Infection Control Notification Form
0004 - Management of the Deceased - Infection Control Notification Form
Pain Management Programme (L328)
Pain Management Programme Leaflet
Derbyshire Symptom Management Guidance for last days of life (G2)
G2 - Derbyshire Symptom Management Guidance for last days of life
L179 - Moisture associated skin damage Selfcare Prevention and Management
L179 - Moisture associated skin damage Selfcare Prevention and Management
Effective Caseload Management A Guide For Community Therapy Teams (G320)
Effective Caseload Management A Guide For Community Therapy Teams