Staveley Clinic
How quality makes a difference to you in DCHS
Quick-thinking Gina Cherry helps to save life of man in supermarket
Windrush day - 22 June
A10 - Complications and Troubleshooting (P48)
Complications and Troubleshooting
DCHS licence
Homely Remedies SOP (S16)
Under normal circumstances, medicines should be administered either on the written prescription of an authorised prescriber, in accordance with the Medicines Code or under the authority of a Patient Group Direction. The Medication Optimisation Safety Team (MOST) has approved a list of non-prescription medicines or “homely remedies” that registered nurses and registered practitioners are authorised to administer at their own discretion, in accordance with the attached standard operating procedure, for a maximum of 48 hours (extended to 72 hours over a bank holiday weekend). The homely remedies approved are treatments commonly available over the counter for minor, short-term conditions without the need for a prescription or Patient Group Direction.
Information about Non-Medical Prescribing 2022.docx
DCHS greater than £25K spend - Jan 22
DCHS greater than £25K spend - Jan 22
Safeguarding Adults Policy (P28)
The aim of this policy is to support staff to comply with their duties under the Care Act 2014 (sections 42-46) for safeguarding adults and the Derbyshire and Derby Safeguarding Adults Boards Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures. The policy sets out the principles and practice of safeguarding adults and the responsibilities of Derbyshire Community Health Services (Trust) staff when caring for an adult (aged 18 years and over) where safeguarding concerns arise. “Safeguarding means protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect…people and organisations working together to prevent and stop both the risks and experience of abuse or neglect, while at the same time making sure that the adult’s wellbeing is promoted including, where appropriate, having regard to their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs in deciding on any action” (Care and Support Statutory Guidance 2017:14.7).
Appendix 6 - Local Leg Ulcer Pathway (Seamless Care) (P66).docx
PGN3 Contracts Tenders Quotations EU Process
DCHS tender process