Phlebotomy service
"Think which service" this winter, urge health leaders
Disclosure Ref 202530 Bladder Scanners.pdf
Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding bladder scanners owned by the Trust as of January 2025
Disclosure Ref 202501 - NHS Medical Staffing contracted with other organisations .pdf
Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding NHS Medical Staffing contracted with other organisations
Requesting GP Prescribing SOP (S147)
To enable non-prescribing clinicians access to an internal group of DCHS prescribers to ensure patients receive clinically indicated medicines in a timely way without putting undue pressure on Community GPs within the system.
TPP142-0013 - Abbey Pain Scale
TPP142-0013 - Abbey Pain Scale for Patients with Cognitive Impairment
SOP for the Archiving of Records.docx
Archiving of records
Continence Care - Information for patients or carers (L269)
Continence care patient information leaflet provided during consultations about bladder or bowel problems. General advice for patients and carers, from the Continence Advisory Service.
Disclosure Ref 2024173 - Staff details for People & organisational development, finance and Exec board .pdf
Staff details for People & organisational development, finance and Exec board as at time of disclosure (2024)
Disclosure Ref 2024217 - Staff details fro Chief Information Officer, Head of Patient Experience & PALs.pdf
FOI Disclosure Ref 2024217 - Staff details for Chief Information Officer, Head of Patient Experience & PALs as at time of disclosure (2024)
Assessment & Management of Diarrhoea (S119)
S119 - Assessment & Management of Diarrhoea (Section 6.4 in P69)
2022 07 Guidance Secure Email and Egress.docx
Guidance secure email and Egress