"Think which service" this winter, urge health leaders
Whitworth Hospital
Disclosure Ref 202521 - Health records & Electronic Document Management System (eDMS).pdf
Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding Electronic Document Management System (eDMS) for digitised patient Health Records
Disclosure Ref 202507 - Policies regarding mental health 2 of 3.pdf
Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding adaptations of restraint-related policies, or procedures, for people with learning disabilities, e.g. easy read guidance. We are particularly interested in sourcing good practice in how people with learning disabilities are supported when they come into NHS mental health units.
Trust Policy for Free of Charge (FOC) Medicines Schemes (P109)
This policy is to ensure consistent, equitable and robust consideration of any free of charge (FOC) scheme that DCHS clinicians would like to be considered for use within DCHS, in line with the National guidance on FOC schemes. Including the requirement for consideration of schemes within Derbyshire for system approval prior to use within DCHS by the Derbyshire Joint Area Prescribing Committee. Where the medicine is currently commissioned by NHS England Specialised Commissioning, ICSs should discuss all FOC schemes with their regional specialised commissioning team in the first instance, before a decision is made on whether to implement the FOC scheme.
Mobile Working Setting Up Care Plans PPOC and EKOS.pdf
PPOC and EKOS setting up mobile working care plans
Guidance leaflet regarding looking after information about you
Overview of 'New Starter' training requirements (23-24) V1.pdf
Overview of induction training requirements for new starters
Information Governance newsletter December 2024.docx
Information Governance Newsletter December 2024
HRP09 Maternity Leave and Pay Handbook.docx
Information Governance newsletter April 2024.docx
Information Governance Newsletter April 2024
SAMA Template 15 Review outcome extension
Template 15 Review outcome extension letter