Bakewell’s new NHS health hub opening date confirmed for 23 September 2024
Tier 3 Weight Management for Professionals
The information here is for professionals in Derbyshire seeking more information on the Tier 3 Weight Management service.
The healing power of art – an exhibition to get people talking about mental health
Diabetes services
We provide two services for people with diabetes - Community Diabetes for people with Type 1 & Type 2 diabetes and our Diabetes Education service for people with Type 2 diabetes in Derby and Derbyshire. Each service is designed and selected according to individual requirements.
DCHS inclusion conference 2023
Continence Support in Universal Childrens Services Policy (P96)
This policy is to support Health Visitor, School Nurses and Nursery Nurses to work effectively when supporting children, young people and their families with continence issues. This guidance and the supporting pathway will use evidence based practice to guide clinicians through the processes they need to follow to ensure that effective tier 1 support is offered before a referral is made to specialist services.
Disclosure Ref 202453 - Spend on Agency staff.pdf
FOI Disclosure Ref 202453 relating to Spend of Agency nursing staff in 2024
Disclosure Ref 2024162 - Commitee Meeting Software.pdf
FOI disclosure relating to Committee Meeting Software contract
Short Break Service SOP (S137)
This SOP aims to outline the process for providing clear guidance to medication support and assistance, delegation to the support workers/support worker supervisors and what training they need to complete for them to be able to support the patients in the service.
Disclosure Ref 202509 - Staff employed in A&E & colour of scrubs .pdf
Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding Staff employed in A&E & colour of scrubs
Disclosure Ref 2024217 - Staff details fro Chief Information Officer, Head of Patient Experience & PALs.pdf
FOI Disclosure Ref 2024217 - Staff details for Chief Information Officer, Head of Patient Experience & PALs as at time of disclosure (2024)
Assessment & Management of Diarrhoea (S119)
S119 - Assessment & Management of Diarrhoea (Section 6.4 in P69)
2022 07 Guidance Secure Email and Egress.docx
Guidance secure email and Egress
Mobile Working Setting Up Care Plans PPOC and Wound.pdf
PPOC & Wound staff setting up care plans in mobile working
Disclosure Ref 2024174 - Staff details for Chief Operating Officer.pdf
Staff details for Chief Operating Officer as at time of disclosure (2024)