Black History Month - Reclaiming Narratives
Temporary consolidation of Ripley and Ilkeston Urgent Treatment Centres
Five-star salon experience for Ilkeston patients
800,000 people, 1.8 million jabs
One year of the Covid-19 vaccination programme in Derbyshire.
The DCHS Admin People’s Charter 2024
Storm Babet – service updates/disruption
Disclosure Ref 202485 - Waste Management Contract & Spend.pdf
FOI Disclosure Ref 202485 relating to Waste Management Contract & Spend
Disclosure Ref 202527 - IT service delivery models.pdf
Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding IT service delivery models
Disclosure Ref 202516 - Nursing Ageny Spend 2 of 2.pdf
Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding Disclosure Ref 202516 - Nursing Agency Spend 1st October 2024 to 31st December 2024
Long Term Segregation Policy (P86)
This policy aims to provide clear guidance on the use of long term segregation, (please note the use of seclusion is covered in DCHS trust policy – (Management, Prevention and reduction of violence and aggression including physical restraint and seclusion). To ensure restrictive interventions remain proportionate, least restrictive, take account of patient preference where possible, and last for no longer than is necessary. The policy sets clinical standards to ensure compliance with the Mental Health Act 1983 and subsequent Code of Practice 2015 alongside NICE guidance NG10. To ensure robust governance arrangements that are transparent in their nature. To support the trusts ambition of reducing the use of restrictive practices. The policy aims to ensure the specific needs of all patients are met in a fair and equitable way.
Dysphagia Management of Adults (P20)
DCHS recognises the risk to people who have difficulty with eating, drinking and swallowing and that the management of dysphagia is everyone’s business. This policy promotes a multi-disciplinary approach to identifying and managing dysphagia. It is to ensure that all people with dysphagia receive the highest possible level of assessment, care and support to achieve maximum independence, pleasure and meet their nutritional needs, whilst keeping the risks associated with this potentially life threatening condition to a minimum.
Dual Diagnosis Guideline (G1)
This guidance describes the objectives that need to be in place to ensure that; DCHS staff have the appropriate skills for working with service users who have a dual diagnosis of mental illness and substance misuse; and that there is an agreed way forward for working with this service user group.
Person Centred Care Planning Guidance booklet (G51)
This aim of this booklet is to supply guidance on how to write person centred care plans
Controlled Drugs SOP for Community Hospitals (S47)
This series of Standard Operating Procedures ensures that all processes involving Controlled Drugs (CDs) carried out in Wards and Departments of Community Hospitals are conducted in strict accordance with current statutory requirements that adequate records are maintained and a robust audit trail exists. This includes security, ordering, receipt, administration, issue, balance checking, and return or destruction.
Inpatient Falls Prevention and Management Policy (P33)
The Trust’s aim is to prevent harm resulting from in-patient falls by assessing each patient individually and identifying their risk in order to develop a care plan to reduce these risks. There is an expectation that clinicians will use the policy framework within everyday practice within DCHS. DCHS Inpatient services are part of the DCHS Falls and Fracture Prevention framework which contributes towards the wider Derbyshire and Derby City Falls and Fracture Prevention Pathway in identifying and managing patients who are at risk of falls in hospital and onwards as part of discharge plans and communication. This policy incorporates guidance from the: - • NICE CG161(2013) “Falls: the assessment and prevention of falls in older people • National Patient Safety Agency (2011) on “Essential care after an inpatient fall” • NICE (2015) on “Head Injury: assessment and early management” The purpose of this policy is to support staff to identify patients who are at risk of falling and to identify the interventions required to reduce the risk of falls and minimise harm to each individual. This policy also provides guidance on how to implement the NICE Quality standards (2015) ‘Assessment after a fall and preventing further falls’
Was Not Brought - Did Not Attend - No Access Visit Policy (P88)
The purpose of this document is to outline the responsibilities of Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust (DCHS) staff when parents/carers disengage from health services and there are concerns about the welfare of children and adults in their care. Laming (2003) and learning from serious case reviews and safeguarding adult reviews show that disengagement from healthcare may be partial, intermittent, persistent or terminal in nature. It is widely acknowledged that ‘was not brought’/‘non-attendance’ and avoidance of seeing health staff can be a sign that things are not as they should be within the family and/or person’s life. This may have serious consequences for some children and adults dependent on others to meet their care and support needs. It may also signal potential abuse or neglect. It is imperative that early non engagement with services is identified in order for health practitioners to consider if this is a safeguarding concern that requires a safeguarding referral, safety planning or escalation.