Advice to patients and families during the consultants’ industrial action
Open event spotlights Walton Hospital’s upcoming diagnostic service
Wound Clinic Service
Our wound clinic service was established in 2019 to provide a 7-day per week wound care service for the people of Derbyshire.
Health Psychology
The DCHS health psychology service provides specialist psychological care and support to adults with physical health problems.
Contractor appointed to build new £15m health services hub for Belper
October is AAC Awareness Month!
6-8 week Review 0-19 Children’s Services Guidelines (G273)
This Best Practice Guidance gives clear guidance on the minimum standard expected of Specialist Community Public Health Nurses (Health Visitors) when delivering the 6-8 week review. It outlines the goal and essential components of the 6-8 week review offered to all families in Derbyshire. This document also supports a commitment to ensure evidence based tools and training are embedded within practice, supporting the national commissioning for outcomes recommendations and offering assurance that the service is focused on personalised and needs based care.
Community Response Team-Derby City Rapid Response SOP - Medication Delegation, Support and Assistance of Medication Administration for Support Workers (S127)
This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) aims to outline the process for providing clear guidance to medication support and assistance, delegation to the support workers/support worker supervisors and what training they need to complete for them to be able to support the patients in the service.
Clinical Harms Review Additional detail for Service Level SOP (S133)
This document should be read in conjunction with the overarching DCHS Standard Operating procedure on Clinical Harms which outlines the processes to be followed to deliver a consistent approach to. • Risk stratification to minimise clinical harm as a result of delays in care. • Embedding systems which take into account health inequalities. • Monitoring waiting times against defined thresholds across pathways of care. • Delivering personalised, patient-centred communications to patients who are waiting for care. • Implementing Harm Reviews that support the Trusts governance and assurance processes and maintains practice in line with national expectations. The intention of the service level document is to provide specific detail on. • The risk stratification process in operation and clinically appropriate to specific service lines and patient cohorts • Waiting time thresholds for the relevant patient pathways
Disclosure Ref 202528 - Quality assurance software systems, used by nursing teams for auditing and accreditation .pdf
Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding quality assurance software systems, used by nursing teams for auditing and accreditation across the NHS. The examples of the audits would be - safeguarding audits, falls audits, medicines, hand hygiene audits or ward accreditation
Disclosure Ref 202503 - Patient waiting lists.pdf
Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding the number of patients who died while on your NHS waiting list
Disclosure Ref 202504 - Vials used & patients treated 2024 .pdf
Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding Vials used & patients treated 2024
Missing from Known Address Policy (P71)
The purpose of the Missing Children and family Alert (MCFA) process is to locate pregnant women and children who have disappeared from view following an undisclosed change of address and for whom there may be concerns about child welfare in respect of unmet need, vulnerability or abuse. Working Together to Safeguard Children (HM Government 2018) identifies that all children should be safeguarded and have their welfare promoted. This Policy is aimed at DCHS Services that hold a child caseload.
Implementation of National Guidance Policy (P44)
All patients should have fair access to high quality care which is based on clear evidence of best practice. There are many examples of documents issued either by the Department of Health or bodies such as the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) which set out the requirements for organisations to follow either as mandatory targets or as best practice guidance and professional advice. This policy sets out the process for the dissemination and implementation of national guidance within Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust (DCHSFT). This policy aims to provide a clear process to ensure that national guidance for example NICE, Care Quality Commission Reviews, or NHS Improvement, are appropriately disseminated implemented and monitored across the organisation.
Management of Under Nutrition in Adults (G43)
The aim of the guidelines is to ensure effective patient centred oral nutrition support in Derbyshire by promoting a fortified diet and appropriate, effective ONS prescribing.
Witness Destruction of Controlled Drugs (S34)
This Procedure is to formally record the process to be undertaken in order for the Trust Accountable Officer for Controlled Drugs to authorise named people to witness the destruction of stock controlled drugs.