17th July 2023

How quality makes ​a difference to ​you ​in DCHS - ​
re-launch of our quality assurance approach within the Trust and introduction of We Care

Please visit our dedicated quality assurance webpages, including We Care, to see the revised DCHS assurance approach.

The assurance approach for how quality makes a difference to you in DCHS has been co-produced, meaning we have worked together collaboratively with stakeholders, including staff throughout the Trust and a patient safety partner, to develop the tools and processes.

The staff working group created the core assurance values of proportionate governance, trusted to act and earned autonomy. This collaborative approach has ensured that how we approach assurance in DCHS is meaningful to our staff and patients every day.

We have used quality improvement methodology and tools including stakeholder analysis and Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) cycles in the engagement process. This incorporates the move from KLOE visits to We Care. The staff working group voices and patient safety partner have been valuable and instrumental in this revision process and will continue to meet quarterly to continuously improve how this is implemented within DCHS.