7th October 2022

Baby loss Awareness Week 9 – 15 October

It is Baby loss Awareness Week 9th – 15th October and we would like to take this opportunity to raise awareness and show support for those affected by baby loss. This might be a difficult week for some of our colleagues for a number of reasons so it is extra important that we take time to check in on each other.

Baby Loss Awareness Week is a time for everyone in the baby loss community and beyond to come together. Following their loss, families find themselves on a new path they never expected to be on. This year, Baby Loss Awareness Week focuses on the steps along that journey, and how they are different for everyone.  You can access support for yourself or others via the Sands Charity website https://www.sands.org.uk/ including a helpline providing a confidential space for you to talk Sands Helpline - 0808 164 3332 helpline@sands.org.uk There is a monthly meeting held by the Derby branch of the Sands charity – the next one takes place Tuesday 11th October at 8pm. If you would like to attend you can drop them an email at support.derby@sands.co.uk.

We would like to encourage you to have a moment of reflection and show support by lighting a candle at 7pm on Saturday 15th October to create a Wave of Light across the globe commemorating all babies who sadly died too soon. If you wish to, you can post a photo of your candle to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and tag using #WaveOfLight

It is really important that we provide support in the workplace to those affected by baby loss. If you are not sure how to talk about it you may find this link helpful - Talking about miscarriage in the workplace: a guide for employers and managers - The Miscarriage Association You can also contact your Staff Wellbeing Team to be signposted to further resources and support dchst.yourwellbeingteam@nhs.net /dhcft.yourwellbeingteam@nhs.net