564 Pages found that matched your search:
575 Files found that matched your search:



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RipleyButterleyWardMovingBack Press Release FINAL11.3.22

Ripley Butterley Ward Moving Back Press Release - plans have been announced to bring Butterley Ward back to Ripley Hospital from its temporary base at Ilkeston Community Hospital after Easter, during the final week of April.

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Guidance for Care of Next Infant (CONI) (G212)

This guidance is to support CONI coordinators, health visitors and clinical leads in their organisation and delivery of the CONI scheme to families in Derbyshire.

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The Management of Warfarin Therapy for Inpatients Guidelines (G233)

The aim of this guideline is to improve the safety of anticoagulant therapy for inpatients under the care of DCHS by: • Providing an evidence-based algorithm for the initiation of warfarin therapy in atrial fibrillation, including the use of a specific SystmOne template for warfarin management. • Offering an evidence-based algorithm to guide maintenance dosing decisions. • Clarifying the process for communicating follow-up arrangements to primary care teams when a patient is discharged from hospital. • Endorsing the level of competence and training required of clinicians who prescribe warfarin. • Ensuring that the guidance will be built into an audit and review cycle.

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Post micturition dribble or after dribble - A common problem in men (L270)

L270 - Post micturition dribble or after dribble - A common problem in men. Patient information leaflet that summarizes, some common; symptoms, causes, tips and support available.

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Section 5.28 COVID-19 (IP&C Policy)

Section 5.28 COVID-19 (IP& C Policy) v2 (September 2022). With links. The aim of this document is to provide operational guidance to staff in particular in relation to COVID-19.

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SOP for the Archiving of Records.docx

Archiving of records

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Continence Care - Information for patients or carers (L269)

Continence care patient information leaflet provided during consultations about bladder or bowel problems. General advice for patients and carers, from the Continence Advisory Service.

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HRP29 Registration Re-Registration and Revalidation Policy

DCHS Registration, Re-Registration and Revalidation Policy

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Joint Policy for Aftercare for Detained Patients under section 117 Mental Health Act 1983 Policy and Procedures (P13)

Summarises the legal responsibilities placed on Clinical Commissioning Groups and Social Services for section 117 and describes the implementation and administration processes within Derbyshire.

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Mobile Working Setting Up Care Plans PPOC and Wound.pdf

PPOC & Wound staff setting up care plans in mobile working