Self-management facilitator service
Metal shell of new NHS facility in Chesterfield takes shape ahead of installation
Podiatric surgery
New winter ward opens at Ilkeston Community Hospital
Request for community podiatry assessment
DCHS Request-for-podiatry-assessment-aug-2022
DSE Minimum Specifications Guidance for Managers June19.docx
DSE Minimum Specifications Guidance for Managers
DCHS_Supervision online record system User Guide V2
DCHS Clinical supervision (reflection on practice) online system guide; includes information on how to access the site, navigate, and record supervision sessions.
Appendix 6 - PGD Template Adult (P5)
Appendix 6 - PGD Template Adult (P5)
DCHS Intravenous Therapymedication Administration Competency
Intravenous Therapymedication Administration Competency
Macerator breakdown IP and C guidance (G276)
G276 - Macerator breakdown IP&C guidance (Section 8.2)
0186 - Community First/Community Response Team MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION RECORD (MAR)
0186 - Community First/Community Response Team MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION RECORD (MAR)
Tailors Bunion 5th Metatarsal Scarf (L30)
Tailors Bunion Bunionette deformity - 5th Metatarsal Scarf Osteotomy. Podiatric Surgery patient information leaflet.
DCHS QI Tools- 6 thinking hats.pptx
Veteran Aware Information Leaflet
DCHS Veteran Aware information leaflet - July 2022; includes our commitment to the armed forces community when accessing healthcare