22nd February 2022

Please keep safe and check your routes before heading out. This is a summary of the current position this morning:

  • No concerns with current forecast, potential rain on Thursday but no significant difficulties forecast.
  • Two flood warnings remain in place: - River Wye at Ashford and River Derwent at Church Wilne.
  • Willington has peaked but there remain local concerns about water levels in and around the area.
  • The new flood defences in Derby were tested for the first time yesterday; no breaches.
  • A57 Snake Pass is likely to be closed for a long time due to significant landslips.
  • A6 at Buxton and Rowsley are still closed but being checked for possible reopening today.
  • Derby City Council advise us to avoid Pentagon Island in Derby due to standing water and associated traffic build-up.

The general message is that whilst river levels are clearly subsiding the residual affect is being felt in pockets across the county – standing water, stranded vehicles blocking some roads and clean ups starting in areas where water damage has been significant.