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Podiatry - Community Podiatry Service

The community podiatry service provides assessment, diagnosis and treatment to a range of patients with lower limb and foot problems, including; - People with long term conditions such as diabetes, vascular disease, amputees, connective tissue disorders, stroke, Parkinson's disease - People with multiple and complex needs e.g. dementia, falls - People with biomechanical problems e.g. gait /postural problems - People requiring wound care to the foot - People requiring nail surgery - People with severe foot and ankle problems and conditions.


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Clinical Harms Review Additional detail for Service Level SOP (S133)

This document should be read in conjunction with the overarching DCHS Standard Operating procedure on Clinical Harms which outlines the processes to be followed to deliver a consistent approach to. • Risk stratification to minimise clinical harm as a result of delays in care. • Embedding systems which take into account health inequalities. • Monitoring waiting times against defined thresholds across pathways of care. • Delivering personalised, patient-centred communications to patients who are waiting for care. • Implementing Harm Reviews that support the Trusts governance and assurance processes and maintains practice in line with national expectations. The intention of the service level document is to provide specific detail on. • The risk stratification process in operation and clinically appropriate to specific service lines and patient cohorts • Waiting time thresholds for the relevant patient pathways

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Incident Reporting Policy (P80)

Derbyshire Community Health Services (DCHS) NHS Foundation Trust is committed to ensuring the safety of patients, staff, visitors, and contractors alike. DCHS aspires to provide a Zero Harm environment. The policy considers the recommendations of the Department of Health publications: An Organisation with a Memory, Building a Safer NHS, Doing less Harm and the former National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) publication Building a memory: preventing harm, reducing risks and improving patient safety, Berwick report 2013 and the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and subsequent subsidiary reports. The reporting, management and investigation of adverse incidents are fundamental elements of risk management. Sharing the learning from adverse incidents (including near misses) enables the organisation to implement changes to practice, processes, and systems so that the risk of harm is reduced. In addition to the human costs, if incidents are not properly managed, they may result in a loss of public confidence in the organisation and a loss of assets.

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Mental Health Act 1983 Procedure for Associate Hospital Managers Hearings Policy and Procedure (P78)

To provide guidance to Trust staff when considering the use of urgent treatment to patients detained in hospital under the MHA 1983, or subject to a Community Treatment Order.

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Physical Health Care For People With Mental Health And Learning Disabilities Guidelines (G15)

This guidance aims to set out the standard of physical health monitoring for those patients within both the older person’s mental health and learning disability inpatient units. It provides guidance about physical health care interventions that are provided within the Trust and those requiring advice or intervention from other services. Good physical health underpins the overall well-being of our patients and supports a holistic approach to care delivery, which includes the identification and appropriate management of physical health needs. In relation to those service users attending specialist OPMH day Services or specialist LD outpatients, the responsibility for the patient’s physical, health care will remain with their General Practitioner. Where there are any identified physical health findings or concerns noted whilst the patient is attending the service, their General Practitioner must be notified.

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Guidelines for the Recognition and Management of Infected Wounds (G29)

A framework to enable health care practitioners to deliver best practice in wound care, specifically by providing a tool to be utilised to aid the recognition and management of infected wounds

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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for The T34 and Bodyguard Syringe Drivers (S61)

A subcutaneous infusion pump is an effective method of administering therapeutic drugs via subcutaneous route, which can no longer be tolerated orally or rectally by the patient. The aim of this SOP is to provide guidance for staff in the use of the McKinley T34 pump across adult services. Using a uniform SOP will reduce the level of risks associated with syringe pump management within DCHS.

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Deprivation of Liberty DoLs Policy (P35)

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 aims to empower people to make decisions themselves wherever possible and sets out the steps which must be taken to promote this. Where a person lacks the capacity to make a particular decision it provides a statutory framework for acting and making decisions on their behalf, and in their best interests (see the DCHS Mental Capacity Act Policy and Appendix 3 Tips on assessing capacity) The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) is an addendum to the Mental Capacity Act (2005) that came into force in 2009. It ensures that any Best Interests decision that deprives someone of their Article 5 right to liberty (European Convention of Human Rights) is made according to defined processes and in consultation with specific authorities. It applies where a person needs to be accommodated in a hospital or a care home in order to receive care or treatment for which they cannot consent. The DoLS were introduced to protect an individual’s rights under such circumstances, and ensure that any care or treatment that they receive, including where this involves the use of restraint or restrictions, is proportionate to the risk of harm they would otherwise be at and in their best interests.

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ReSPECT Policy (P89)

This policy aims to clarify the ReSPECT process and takes into account the complex clinical considerations and ethical issues regarding both the making and the communication of decisions relating to limiting potentially life sustaining treatments, including CPR. The policy encourages health and social care professionals to engage in conversations with patients about advance care planning and to recognise our responsibility to do so. Application of this policy will assist our patients and the public to anticipate having these conversations as a routine part of their care and to recognise the importance of planning ahead for a future emergency.

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Urgent Community Response Clinical Lead Role Statement v2

Urgent Community Response Clinical Lead Role Statement - includes how to apply and ask questions

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DCHS Blood Glucose Collection Points

Blood glucose monitor drop off points - including xxxx details